AOB > Communication with residents
At the last meeting we briefly discussed the possibility of leafleting our area to inform residents of the existence of ECNP. Quite rightly there were concerns that if too many residents wanted to attend, the meetings would become unwieldy and overlong. I am, however, uncomfortable with the notion of a 'closed shop'. Can we invite residents to attend on an ad hoc basis, or for a particular item they wish to raise, through the chair, this will ensure numbers can be controlled. We need to remember that not all our residents have access to the internet so that does mean the chair has to be available via 'phone - is this acceptable Phil?
Sat, May 14, 2011 |
Sheila Chesney

Good points. I would be happy (I think!) to have my phone number on the leaflet, along with postal and email addresses. If the leaflet strongly encourages people to get in touch and voice their concerns/priorities, we can then organise a public meeting that is focused on whatever is most important, ideally with the appropriate CCC/Serco/Whoever representatives.
Tue, May 17, 2011 |
Phil Rose