Never let it be said that our councillors aren't brimful of good ideas. Here's a snippet from the recent HBAMP - the meeting of Herne Bay's councillors:
Councillor Baker, the Portfolio holder for Communications, gave a brief update regarding the creation of a community website for Herne Bay. He advised that there were several things happening in and around Herne Bay, and it would be useful to have a central point for this information. He suggested that it would need to be more community orientated, and less Corporate, and could include useful telephone contacts, such as the Scout Club etc. He stated that the plans were at a very early stage, and he would report back to the Panel with further information at a later date.
A Member suggested that the traditional emblem for Herne Bay, the Heron, could be revised and used more, particularly on the website, as it had a long association with Herne Bay, and represented the town in a good way. The Chairman confirmed that the website would include a page giving details about the history of Herne Bay, including the Heron logo.
Now there's a thought!