Don't want Tesco, do want pub!
Oct 6, 2011 at 23:13
HBM in Herne, Herne Bay, JC Bayliss, John Moore, Peter Vickery-Jones, Red Lion, Tescopoly

Following up to last month's hoo-ha about Tesco bidding for the Red Lion pub in Herne, and one of the ward councillors being the only person who didn't think it was a disastrous idea, we now have some more local feedback...

NO. We do not want Tesco in the village of Herne or Broomfield for that matter. ('Tesco always just muscles in and takes all the trade', Herne Bay Gazette, September 29).

I am on the planning committee of the parish council and would not support any plans that involve the Upper Red Lion for anything but a pub.

I am having the subject put on the agenda of the parish council meeting on Thursday, October 13, starting at 7.30pm, so if you want to hear the debate come along and even have your say.

As for Peter Vickery-Jones, well he does not live in the parish, he lives in Grand Drive so it won't affect him. These are my comments as a parish councillor and resident of the parish and of Herne.

Cllr John Moore, Canterbury Road, Herne.

I gather that no planning application has yet been made by Tesco. In my experience, as vice-chairman of the city planning committee in the early 90s and chairman of Herne and Broomfield Parish Council for many years, if I was still in office I would recommend refusal. I am afraid, however, I would have to declare an interest; I hate Tesco! It is far too big and invasive, with its fingers in every pie.

Just a few months ago I reckoned that the Murdoch empire was in line to take over Great Britain in the next decade or so with Tesco just behind. Thankfully, Murdoch is now a busted flush but we still have Tesco's to contend with.

JC Baylis, Lower Herne Road, Herne, Herne Bay.

HB Gazette 6th Oct 2011

Don't forget to visit Tescopoly

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