It's been a long time coming, but the penny has finally dropped. The unloved and unlovely development plans for the Downs are being ditched on the recommendation of the council's Leisure people.
This should be confirmed at the meeting of the Executive on 12th August at 6:30pm in The Guildhall, Westgate, Canterbury - it's a public meeting, so do feel free to pop in. The highlights of the report to the Executive are:
As you will see from the Council's own telling of the story in the report, this long and wasteful episode could have been avoided if the Council's in-house experts had been consulted and heeded at the outset.
Personally, I'm still curious to discover whose idea this was in the first place, and how it could have been allowed to drag on for so long despite being impractical and unworkable. Again personally, I am disappointed (verging on disgusted) that there is no acceptance, or even acknowledgement, on the Council's part that this proposal was hugely unpopular from the very beginning.
Anyway, it's a cracking result that we can all take pleasure and pride in.
Well done and thank you.