Whose baby?
Feb 7, 2009 at 17:57
Coasted in CCC, Executive, HBAMP, Lawyers

By popular demand, here's the potted life history of CCC's Unlawful Shameful Proposal. (See "Timeline" for full dates and details.)

That's all well and good as far as it goes, BUT it doesn't answer a key question:  Where was this evil hatchling spawned?

I can find no mention of it on the CCC website before 23rd September last year. There are several policy documents with an optimistic, broad-brush approach to conservation, tourism and regeneration, but none of them single out this particular strip of green. So where did this idea come from? Who has ownership?

Whose proposal is it?

Article originally appeared on HerneBayMatters.com (http://www.hernebaymatters.com/).
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