Supporting events
Jun 22, 2011 at 12:57
HBM in Broomfield, Family Investment Homes, HB Infants, HB Junior, Herne, Herne Horticultural Show

There is a range of events and activities that take place to support the 'In Bloom' campaign, including: Plant and cake sales which are hosted by the Herne Bay in Bloom Committee and Family Investment Homes. These have raised valuable funds to support the competition.

The popular Herne Horticultural Show that took place on 16 March. The Herne and Broomfield annual safari took place on Sunday 13 June. This year gardens of varying interest from hanging baskets and tubs to mature trees and shrubs opened up to the public. The garden owners are always willing to share information and give advice, and some even provide refreshment. Plants are always available to buy and the proceeds of the safari are divided between Help for Heroes and Herne and Broomfield Parish Council.

For the first time this year Herne Infants and Junior Schools opened their grounds as part of the safari giving local people the chance to see the work of the schools gardening clubs.

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