Elected and supportive
Mar 14, 2009 at 10:46
HBM in CCC, Infratil, KIACC, Manston, Paul Twyman, Roger Gale MP, Vince McMahan


Carrying on...

Just had a call from Cllr Vince McMahan (Conservative, West Bay). He's fully behind my earlier email and is therefore quite clearly intelligent, perceptive and right-thinking. He'll be showing the email to Roger Gale this morning to keep him in the loop.
He tells me that the March 24th meeting is public, so there's no reason why Paul Twyman (or I, or anyone) shouldn't turn up. The voices in my head say:
  • participating in the democratic process does actually make a difference
  • good to see this being escalated, though I'm not sure sure where Roger Gale stands on this
  • didn't know the meeting was public
  • even if it is public, Paul Twyman (as head of the relevant statutory body) should be invited as a matter of course, rather than just shuffling in from the rain with the rest of us bleating oiks. You know the sort of thing: his own chair, name card, coffee cup - the full works.


Article originally appeared on HerneBayMatters.com (http://www.hernebaymatters.com/).
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