You say (11)
Feb 20, 2012 at 6:00
HBM in 24/7, Consultation, Manston, Night flights, TDC

#Manston #nightflights

We are totally against the extension of the time frame during which night flights are to be allowed.It is bad for our health and well-being and will do nothing to create a significant increase in jobs at the airport.

The present no-flights time frame of 11.00 pm to 7.00 is frequently not observed. We have been awakened by flights at 01.30 am, 04.30 am and more. Even though there is a no night flights policy in operation, this is frequently broken.

What we want is a no night flights policy which is observed.

Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

I am against night flights between 11pm and 7am.

We are immediately under the flight path that comes it across Herne Bay and much of the time planes come over very low when flying at night using large freight craft many of which will be old and noisy.

It will not allow us or others in this area a restful night’s sleep and the same will go for everybody on the flight paths both here and in Thanet.

It seems very unfair that all these people suffer because of the attempt to keep an airport that self evidently is not used or needed open

Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

I wish to register my opposition to night flights from Manston Airport for the following reasons:

I strongly believe that night flights at Manston have more disadvantages to Thanet and its population than advantages.

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