To Whom it concerns
I am strongly AGAINST the NIGHT FLIGHTS between 11pm and 7am, as I live directly under the flight path.
I moved to Herne Bay 3 years ago, from Gillingham, for a quiet and less congestive life but will not get this if night flights are allowed.
When I moved here I accepted that I was in the flight path and only a handful of planes where landing, but I DO NOT ACCEPT that I should have to put up with night flights and having to my windows closed, because of the noise
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I am writing to emphasize that I am strongly opposed to flights in and out of Manston Airport between the hours of 11:00 pm and 7:00 am.
I live in Herne Bay directly under the path of incoming flights and want you to know that the noise level during the day is too loud and most annoying, to have flights landing during the night would be unbearable. How you expect anyone to sleep with jet airplanes moving slowly overhead in the quiet of the night is unbelievable, and if you do realise how much noise they make why are you even considering their application. Surely the sleep of thousands of residents and constituents is more important than the outside chance of generating half a dozen jobs. Lack of sleep is also a 'Health and Safety' issue, I hope Thanet District Council is prepared to accept responsibility for the increase in Road Traffic Accidents and Accidents at Work that are bound to happen with such a large population always tired.
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Sir / Madam – I wish to register my objection to allowing night flights at Manston Airport.
My reasons are as follows:
It seems to me that the Council and Infratil have been far from transparent or public about the issues and the facts. This air of nods and winks is not a good place to start and not a good basis on which to change the status quo.
I lived for many years on the flight path into Heathrow – the issue with noise is not so much how frequent or how loud it is, which seems to be the low level of the current debate; it is how noise affects quality of life. We all accept that airports attract planes but one flight at 0300hrs is enough to ruin a night’s sleep and spoil the next day. Several nights lost sleep spoils quality of life overall.
As a seasoned entrepreneur it seems obvious to me that the business model and the evidence published by Infratil do not stack up; the council officers – who provide continuity in this matter - and elected members – who come and go - seem all too willing to accept the Infratil story rather than challenging what has been put before them – much of which could quite appropriately begin ‘Once upon a time…..’ . Some genuine, quality, independent advice and support would be advantageous and would remove any suspicion of untoward dealing.
I do not have firsthand knowledge about how this matter has been managed but from what I have seen it seems to me that officers and elected representatives have been hopelessly out of touch with the reality of the implications of what they are doing. The arrangements for monitoring and enforcing the current agreement are totally ineffective, Infratil pretty much has a free hand; any relaxation will make a feeble situation totally uncontrollable and leave Infratil unaccountable.
Finally, I would guess that my human rights are to enjoy an uninterrupted night’s sleep – that far outweighs the rights of Infratil to make a laughing stock of the Council and its officers.
I despair at times over this issue. Yes, Manston might have potential for jobs and prosperity but neither of these will be achieved by ducking the issues or knee jerk reactions to appease Infratil; the Council must manage the situation and take responsibility for the welfare of local residents through a properly considered and costed approach – otherwise Infratil will continue to make you look like a bunch of hopeless amateurs.
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