Concerns: sewage, roads, schools and more
Jan 12, 2012 at 20:27
HBM in Altira, Beltinge, Broomfield, Infrastructure, Jobs, Kitewood, Reculver, Roads, Schools, Sewage

Dear Sir,

After our local residents meeting, I would like to express mine and my families dissatisfaction on the proposed development by Kitewood Homes. Quite clearly the infrastructure of Reculver, Beltinge and Broomfield is not designed to cope with such a development.

My main concerns amongst many others are as follows:

Whilst my property backs on to the proposed field, and I will lose privacy and daylight, my real concern is that the proposal is on Grade 2 Agricultural land.  By building on this the development will hand more demand for imported products and of course this will be followed by price increases for products in demand. A sensible option would to follow Government Guidelines and prioritising building developments on brownfield land, not on perfectly arable agricultural land. We do not have a business centre and there are many available units in better areas than the Altira Estate.

As mentioned, I have extreme reservations on this proposed development.  We must take in consideration of Herne Bay's Redevelopment proposals, are we simply abandoning a perfectly good town centre and attempting to build another beside it, with no infrastructure?

I trust you will use and forward on my concerns on this poor choice of placement for a development.

Kind regards,

AR, 6th Jan 2012

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