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The Downs - Wildlife Survey 2011

The Friends of the Downs are working with Canterbury City Council, Kent Wildlife Trust, the Kent Reptile and Amphibian Group and any other interested groups to carry out a comprehensive survey of the wealth of natural richness (biodiversity) on the Downs.

The Kent Reptile and Amphibian Group have carried out a survey of the lizards and slow-worms on the Downs - you can see the results on the Council website.

Kent Wildlife Trust have been commissioned to carry out ‘walk over’ surveys. The purpose of these surveys is to record species present such as plants, animals, birds and invertebrates. This survey will help determine if more specialist surveys are needed.

The records that you collect will help to form a valuable record of the species found along this part of the coastline and greatly add to the information collected by Kent Wildlife Trust.

The role of the survey work is vital in developing a management plan not only for The Downs but for the wider coastline stretching from Hampton to Reculver. The records will also be stored at the county’s central record centre the Kent and Medway Records Centre as a lasting archive.

Click here to get your Surveyor's Pack (in Word format).

Click here to get your Surveyor's Pack (in PDF format).

Click here to get your Sightings spreadsheet.

(Surveyor's Pack Release: 10th May 2011)