Greenhill residents pull together after vandals target cars

Residents of two roads in Greenhill, Herne Bay, have shown their community spirit after vandals went on a paint-spraying rampage. Between 10 and 12 cars parked in Chestnut Drive and Poplar Drive were sprayed with obscenities some time between 10.30pm on Thursday 29 December and 12.30am on Friday 30 December 2011. One car had its nearside front window smashed.
PC Justin Walton said:
'A white spray paint was used to cover windows and write various expletives over the cars. Fortunately it was non-permanent paint and, with a lot of elbow grease and specialist cleaning fluids, the paint is coming off.'
'Tremendous community spirit'
PC Walton said that although residents had been shocked and angry at the random acts of vandalism, they had pulled together:
'They showed tremendous community spirit and have been out helping each other clean their cars. One resident is away and three of his neighbours have been cleaning off the paint on his car for him so it’s back to normal for his return.'
Police have carried out house to house enquiries and crime scene investigators have been in Greenhill carrying out a forensic examination. Officers are also appealing for people who were in the area on Thursday night and saw anyone acting suspiciously to contact them.
PC Walton said:
'We would particularly like to hear from anyone who finds a discarded white spray paint can in the Greenhill area, as it could help us with our enquiries.'
Do you have any information?
Anyone with information is asked to phone Kent Police on 101 or Kent Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.
Kent Police 4th Jan 2012

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