Programme 2009/2010

Here's the 2009/2010 programme, to give you an idea of the range of topics covered:
1st October: A.G.M. Followed by: "Images from the archives"
5th November: J & S Wagner: "Phantasmagoria" Magic Lantern Slides
19th November: Mrs. Ann Winter: "People & Lives of the Railway"
3rd December: Miss Jennie Burgess: "Smuggling in & around Birchington"
7th January: Mr. Ian Tittley: "History of the Natural History of North Kent"
21st January: Lt. Col. M. Martin: "Britain on the Home Front in WW2"
4th February: Mr. Mike Bundock: "Herne Bay fires floods & freezes"
18th February: Mrs. Margaret Burns: "The History of Studd Hill"
4th March: HAROLD GOUGH MEMORIAL LECTURE: Mr. Frank Turner: "The Maunsell Sea Forts of the Thames Estuary"
18th March: Mrs. Irene Pellett: "Tiles & the Time Team"
15th April: End of Season Social
To end the season, about 50 members enjoyed a social evening of fun, food and fellowship. John Fishpool and Valerie Millo arranged some quizzes to test our knowledge of history in general and Herne Bay in particular. For example, did you know that the Bun Penny was once the Royal Hotel, and the Herne Bay Windmill was situated on the sea front from 1825-1878 on the site of Sea View Square?
The buffet meal was enjoyed by all, and a vote of thanks was given to all who prepared it or helped in any way to make it a happy occasion. The society's latest publications were on sale: Herne Bay's Hotels and Public Houses and Mills and Milling in the Herne Bay Area. These can be bought at Herne Bay Museum.
Members now look forward to two coach outings during the summer.
Teas and Coffees are available after the lecture meetings