Big Picnic, Big Prizes
The Friends of Herne Bay Museum had a stall at the recent Big Picnic in Memorial Park, and ran a caption competition - add a caption to an old postcard picture and win a prize...
Mick Simpson came and collected his bottle of fizz for winning the adult category, but none of the under 15s came to collect their prizes - maybe they had already gone home by the time the judging and announcements happened. The three young wits can collect their prizes from David & Jenny Cross (Secretary and Chair respectively of the Friends of the Museum) at 1 Mickleburgh Hill, Herne Bay.
Adult winner:
Mick Simpson from Studd Hill:
"No! No! I said use a BUOY to stop us drifting!"
Under 15s winner and 2 runners-up:
Ben Stacey from Herne Bay:
"So am I an only child mum? Am I? Am I?"
Eleanor Todd from Hersden:
"Save him Sid, he has the bus tickets home."
Sam Hickland from Herne:
"When I said we need to lose some weight, I meant a hat or something!"

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