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WBC: boxing clever

 No, not the World Boxing Council, the Whitstable Beach Campaign. Plenty of sweat and tears, but much less blood. WBC have dedicated themselves to:

safeguarding Whitstable's beaches for the enjoyment of the public by protection against commercial development.
Keen followers of this blog will have pounced on the spooky parallels to what we're trying to achieve here on The Downs: keeping the space both open and public.

One of their founders, whom I shall refer to as "N" in order to create an air of mystery, invited us over to plot and seethe over mugs of tea. Very useful, heartening and fun. (As an aside, I must say that this really isn't how I ever expected to be spending my time - more on this another day, perhaps.)

If I can get cracking on half the things we covered, this campaign will be broader, deeper, more polished, and hopefully more effective. Stay tuned.


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