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QE2 Coastal Park in Herne Bay

Question asked at HBAMP on 3 January 2012

Phil Rose:

I am very concerned that Members are mistakenly believing that the ongoing village green application requires that a number of activities on and around the Downs at Herne Bay must be deferred until the outcome of the application is known. None of the Items in the QE2 Coastal Park Action Plan that are being deferred pending the outcome of the village green application actually need to be deferred for that reason.

A couple of examples:

  • Why should Community Cleanups on the application land over the coming months (Item 2.3) be affected in any way by the outcome of the application?
  • Why should the outcome of the application have any effect on the clearance of the channel at Bishopstone Glen (Item 3.8)? The Glen is entirely outside the application area - the bridge across the Glen is ¼ kilometre west of the application land.


The Queen Elizabeth ll Diamond Jubilee Field — Herne Bay Coastal Park puts the Downs into a legal trust that Fields in Trust states "protects forever the land for leisure and recreation". As this is a consultation report we are seeking feedback on the proposal.

As the Downs Village Green application is still ongoing it is not appropriate to discuss the legal issues relating to it. It is worthy of note that the implications of a successful village green application are not part of the decision making process.

One result of a successful Village Green application is that enhancements that take place between the date of the application and the final decision may be at risk of being removed once the application is decided, particularly if they breach the Victorian statutes that govern village green land.

Fields in Trust will not consider any external funding application until the village green application is resolved.

This means that many potential projects on the Downs are on hold due to the application for village green status. With regards to the two examples given:

  • The existing community clean ups can continue, but we cannot access the funding to obtain extra equipment specifically for the community group.
  • The clearance of the channel at Bishopstone Glen can proceed because it is outside the Downs Village Green application area, thank you for the feedback.

Small Mammal Survey

Roll up, roll up, for the small mammal survey on the Downs.

The Friends of the Downs are working with Wildwood and the Kent Mammal Group to carry out a survey of the tiny furry beasties that scurry about trying to keep out of sight.

Wildwood are running two courses that you need to go on to qualify you for safely handing the small mammals. You will need to go on both courses.

The first is on Saturday 29th October 2011 - download details.

At the end of the day participants will:

  • Have increased their practical field skills to enable them to trap, identify, sex, weigh and release small mammals found in Kent
  • Understand the conservation and licensing legislation relating to these mammals
  • Understand the methods of the Kent Mammal Group small mammal survey
  • Be able to submit accurate mammal records

The second is on Saturday 19th November 2011 - download details.

At the end of the day participants will:

  • To teach participants to identify mammals found in Kent from sightings of the animals themselves and their field signs
  • To introduce participants to conservation and licensing legislation relating to these mammals
  • To encourage participants to record mammals for the Kent Mammal Group atlas

Please click here to download your course booking form.

When you are filling it in, please tick the "I would like a free place" box, as we will be surveying areas that the Kent Mammal Group haven't yet surveyed and by way of thanks they will waive the course fees.

Could you then either scan and email your registration form to, or post it to FoTD, 56 Beacon Hill, Herne Bay, Kent CT6 6JN.


Grass cutting on the Downs

By popular demand, here is the grass cutting plan that Serco have for the Downs.

Click it to big it.


Fred Booth MBE

The Summer 2011 edition of the Kent Wildlife Trust magazine carried a very welcome bit of news:

June saw the award of MBE to Fred Booth. Fred has been actively involved in telling people about the importance of Kent's Wildlife for years. Leading YOC and RSPB local groups in Canterbury; the Trust's first Chief Executive; active in the Kent Field Club; leader of walks and talks and an early advocate of the need to know more about our marine environment, active in the Maidstone Local Group - Fred has done it all. No royal accolade has been more deserved than Fred's.

Congratulations to Fred from all the Friends of the Downs. Now we'll have to have a whip-round to get some red carpet for his next visit!


Wildlife walkabout

Wildlife survey: a Walkabout with Fred Booth

Click it to big itDespite the rather threatening looking weather there was a good turn out for the walkabout with Fred Booth from the Kent Wildlife Trust. Fred divided the Downs into three distinctive areas

  1. the western end with its mix of wild blackthorn and grassy areas.
  2. the central area being mainly open grassland.
  3. the eastern end being grassy areas dotted with mixed scrub.

Nearly a hundred species of plants were identified in each of these areas,including some rarities that are only found in a few locations in the country. Many insects and birds have been observed, including the rare long horned bumble bee, grasshopper warblers and linnets displaying breeding behaviour. Full details of Fred's survey should be available soon. It was an enjoyable afternoon and nice to share this beautiful environment with so many like-minded people.