Bedding Displays
Along Herne Bay's seafront 28,000 bedding plants have been used to create the magnificent displays that are attractive and popular with residents and visitors alike. The plants chosen have been selected not only to look good, but also for drought tolerance to reduce the demand for watering. A full list of plants and varieties can be found here.
Of particular note are the Seafront Gardens Early in May Serco and Herne Bay in Bloom members gave away its spring bulbs that had to be cleared from the council beds. This is a good recycling exercise and has proved very popular with the public so much so it has been extended to other sites aross the council's area. The council also gave away compost during compost week and has a range of events associated with this.
Carpet bedding
This is a traditional and popular feature of many seaside resorts, and Herne Bay has a specially dedicated site located at St Anne's Gardens. This is a prominent position on the sea front located opposite the popular bandstand landmark destination. For the last few years local school children can enter a painting competition to design the following years carpet bed. The winning design for this year reflects the Heron, the symbol for the Herne Bay area. The winning design was by Molly aged eight from Herne Bay Junior School.