
Entries in Curtis Wood (2)


Curtis Wood

When trees are cut down, wood is stacked and used for habitat log piles, and also recycled into wood chip mulch. Hedge layering is being encouraged to reinvigorate these wildlife corridors, and to make them more effective in supporting biodiversity.

In terms of raising awareness, a range of leaflets are published covering heritage, biodiversity and events. These are constantly reviewed and added to as required. Bird and bat boxes and wildflower seeds are being encouraged.


Curtis Wood and Broomfield Ponds

The council continues to work with the Friends of Broomfield and Curtis Wood Ponds on the delivery of the management plan for these two sites. The management plan is based in the CABE space template.

The Friends of group was established in 1994. It has a membership of 150 and represents 48 local households. Each family pays an annual subscription and any funds raised, including grant aid, helps towards running costs and purchasing equipment.

The group meet on a regular basis and carry out tasks to keep the ponds in good condition. These activities have included fixing bird boxes, coppicing, clearing vegetation and clearing rubbish. Other community groups such as the Girl Guides have recently taken part in tidying activities as well as bulb planting.