
Entries in Hampton Green (2)


Hampton Green Seaside Garden

Hampton Green Seaside Garden(with blue waves surrounded by golden sand) Please click on the image for full view

This lovely seaside garden has now been completed  thanks to the hard work of Peter Buscall and his band of willing workers from Family Investment Homes who are based at Elham Valley Vineyards.

We all think it looks stunning and a lovely lady who was walking her dog passed whilst we were up there last week stopped us and said" Thank you for making this garden we stop every time we pass and it really makes our day."

High praise indeed -  and we at Herne Bay in Bloom are really pleased that this is the effect that it has because it really makes our day as well to think that all the hard work  that has gone into it is appreciated.

We hope all the residents and visitors to the Hampton Leisure gardens continue to enjoy the  garden as it developes over the next few years


Presentation to Family Investment Homes - Garden Design Winners

Luisa with her ist prize winning garden design and Colleen Ashwin -Keane HBIB Secretary (please click on images for full view)Members of Family Investment Homes in their Tea Rooms celebrating their Certificate of ExcellenceSome members of the Herne Bay in Bloom Committee visited Elham Valley Vineyards this week which is the base for the Family Investment Homes organisation, to judge the entries which members had designed for the new garden which Herne Bay in Bloom have commisioned for the Hampton Green area in Herne Bay. They were welcomed in the excellent tea rooms run by some of the residents by Peter Buscall,the Garden Centre manager and his assistant Joanne who are going to collate the winning designs ready for construction of the garden early in the New Year.(See Photo Gallery for more winning designs)

After enjoying tea and some delicious homemade mince tart the design winners were presented with their prizes by Colleen Ashwin-Keane, HBIB Secretary and Margaret Burns,Chair also presented all the other members present with their Certificate of Excellence awarded by the RHS S&SE in Bloom for the work which they had done for helping with the 2011 campaign.