
Entries in South & South East in Bloom (1)


Results of South & South East in Bloom 2012 Competition

HBIB Team at Fareham with winning certificates and trophies 

Pam Hobbs & Joyce Phillips receiving Gold Award for Receulver Country Park

The Herne Bay in Bloom team attended Fareham on 13th September for the presentation of the 2012 South & South East in Bloom Awards.

We were awarded a Silver Gilt award and overall category winner for our main entry in the Large  Coastal Town section.We also entered other categories separately and were very pleased to get a Gold Award for the Reculver Country Park, - a particularly good achievement as this was a first time entry -Silver Gilt for the War Memorial Park and Silver Gilt for Herne Bay Cemetery.

We are now looking forward to attending the RHS Britain in Bloom Awards being held on 6th October in Guernsey where we hope to gain more successes.