Wildlife gardening
The importance of wildlife corridors is recognised, and the council is changing its maintenance regimes to encourage wildlife reserves on appropriate roadside verges, hedges, and grass areas, in accordance with the Natural Environment and Communities Act (NERC).
The city council continues to work with Kent County Council and Kent Wildlife Trust in producing information packs on gardening for wildlife. Additionally there is a Gardening for Wildlife Award scheme sponsored by Mid Kent Water. To encourage wildlife, the City Council is changing its planting policy to make sure that bird and insect attracting plants are used wherever possible.
Natural burials at Herne Cemetery a copse, glade and meadow area have been created to provide a natural environment to lay to rest loved ones and also enhance the biodiversity interest in the cemetery. Not only has a tranquil setting been creating for contemplation, taking on board stunning views across the district; but also habitats for wild flowers, wild grasses, birds, insects and small mammals.

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