Manston's imaginary friends
"Action for Manston Airport" - clearly a heartfelt plea, so if any of you have any spare action, do sellotape it to a postcard and send it Mr Buchanan at the airport.
It's also the name of a Facebook thingy that's just been magicked out of thin air by a very enthusiastic couple - Irene & Antony Horwood. They have dragooned all their Facebook "friends", and a number of other people, into being an involuntary fan club for Manston.
Of the 222 current members, only 1 "joined" (Irene), all the others were "added". I know of people who have been press-ganged onto this site who never wanted to be there. And I think it's a fair bet that the Horwoods are pushing their luck a bit by adding the whole of Ramsgate town as a "friend"... an indication of how desperate Manston is to synthesise "support".
Another indication is the rash of pro-airport letters in the local press. Some come from people who don't exist on the electoral register, and may not exist at all. More recently, a pro-airport letter appeared under the name of an anti-airport campaigner. Inspector Knacker and a leading local editor will be working closely to find the true author.

Reader Comments (25)
I presume your face is one of those featured in the local rag this week amongst the extremely small minority that took part in that particular PR disaster. Is that what you used some of the Tiny Minority's cash for? Oh Dear!
See me in the office - this will entail an interview without coffee, you know the location and times I am there - or do I send you an e-white feather?
"If we want the airport to succeed, we all need to show our support by letting them know. Don't sit by and let this great opportunity fly right by us!"
So, the airport has been losing millions of pounds every year simply because the people of Thanet haven't been writing to them?
Infratil have finally announced what some of us have known for a while, that the airport is up for sale and from what i've been hearing about who is in the running to buy it and, if II was in your tiny shoes, I would be reaching for the brown trousers at this moment. Stand by for a 24 hour operation coming to an airport near you very soon.
Minnions indeed !
Must try harder Oh Dear....
A Film Studio was one suggestion; I think it would be great for jobs and the area. Maybe, an airport like Biggin Hill with France being so close. Alternatively, a Theme Park! I have discovered that Corruption and people with “imaginary friends”, letter writing fraudsters are all part of “Thanet Life”. Working in Government I hear all about “Corruption and Wrong-doing” on a daily basis. It would be good if we were all fighting the same cause!
I admire the dedication of the Night Flights Campaigners.
Well done.
Let's hope when the cuts in Government occur, as they almost certainly will, that you are not one of those to go, it's certainly the longest drive/train journey home you will ever experience but then you're in "Government" so I wouldn't expect anything else!
Theme Park? Film studio? Now you are being silly. No, land fill site and industrial incinerators if it has to be anything but it won't because it will continue to operate as an airfield and a highly successful and very busy one at that under its new owners.
Sleep well for now
Of course I have to turn to Wikipedia, at least for the roots of concern about the lack of economic vision of shopkeepers:-
The phrase "a nation of Shopkeepers" ("une nation de boutiquiers") is a disparaging remark supposedly used by Napoleon to describe the United Kingdom as unfit for war against France.
"L'Angleterre est une nation de boutiquiers."
—Napoleon I
This phrase can be translated from French to English as:
"England is a nation of shopkeepers."
—Napoleon I
The phrase, however, did not originate with Napoleon. It first appears in The Wealth of Nations (1776) by Adam Smith, who wrote:
"To found a great empire for the sole purpose of raising up a people of customers may at first sight appear a project fit only for a nation of shopkeepers. It is, however, a project altogether unfit for a nation of shopkeepers; but extremely fit for a nation whose government is influenced by shopkeepers."
—Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations[1]
....and so we have it, catastrophic capitalism in a gobbit!