Nethercourt Residents...
Meeting at St Lawrence Community Centre (opposite Budgens) starting at 7pm, Friday 1st December.
Some of the No Night Flights group will be doing a short presentation and answering your questions.
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Night flights

Reader Comments (4)
A proposal by Kent County Council leader Paul Carter to site a new airport in Essex has been blasted as "stupid & thoughtless or worse, rude & deliberately disingenous" by the leader of Thurrock Council, etc etc etc.
Is this the same Paul Carter who wants or wanted Manston? Or could it be he knows a little more about Manston than we do, why the big rush to get all night flying @ Manston? Could it be something to do with the expansion of Southend airport, also there's still talk about a new hub around the Thames gateway, with all this going on what chance has Manston got & no doubt Infratil knows this, could it be they want to walk away from Manston but @ present it's worth nothing, what will it be worth with all night flying, they then sell up & we're stuck with it.
On another note, to all those who say "why move near an airport if you don't like to be woken up with the noise". Manston airport was a military airstrip. It wasn't built to become a commercial enterprise. People expected to put up with small planes flying in and out because the pilots were fighting for our Country and freedom. This is not the case now. The latest Kiwi owners are desperate to make some money out of the land and will stoop to asking freight companies with poor records and noisy aircraft to come here in the night because they know no other airport will accept them. This will be at our peril.