Night flights plan requesting take-off

Clipping: thisiskent
THE owners of Manston airport have applied for permission to run regular night flights. The planning application was submitted to Thanet council last Wednesday, seeking the right to run scheduled flights between 11.30pm and 6am. Airport boss Charles Buchanan believes permission, which it needs from Thanet council, is vital to the success of the airport. He said:
"We want to offer clarity for the community and people that use the airport. It is incredibly important because we have to satisfy passenger and freight operating at night but it is equally important that we operate with sensitivity."
The airport is asking for 1,995 quota count (QC) points per year, the equivalent of 500 take-offs or landings of 747s, which are rated QC 4. The airport's application says it will not operate aircraft of "greater than QC 4" between these hours. Thanet council will hold a consultation to assess the views of people living in Thanet in the coming weeks. Council leader Bob Bayford has promised to weight answers for people living directly on the flight paths. He said:
"We know that this is a hugely important issue for local people, especially those living under the flight path, which is why we are making these documents available to the public at the earliest possible opportunity. We want people to have the chance to see what Infratil have submitted to us."
The full application is available at Thanet council's website
By saul leese

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