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Reading this PR bollocks, my mind turned to more seasonal mythological narratives. Carter's economic rebirth for Kent - a second coming! Yo Ho Ho!
Yes you should take a look @ Hawkinge in Folkestone they've already built masses of homes & are still building affordable homes there, it's not a buyers market there, it's a sellers market it's a nice place to live, no wonder ...
Oh it's so nice to hear our councilors are so happy KLM is coming to Manston. BUT FOR CHRIST'S SAKE - WAKE UP THERE NOT COMING FOR NOTHING, KCC ARE PAYING THEM £100,000 TO COME TO MANSTON. So Sir Roger, you ...
I overheard a conversation @ the last Manston meeting, Charles Buchanan talking about the KLM service to some of his supporters - he said on the busy days the price will rise, so be careful when booking.
We're in Thanet don't forget, i don't think anyone who supports the airport really cares about job prospects all they want is to save the taxi fares to Gatwick & Heathrow it's all about saving a few bob, the councilors that ...
It's great to see that Kent is considered to be at the forefront of the environmental economy. It's important to mention that it's not only wind and tidal power that is becoming more prevalent. Biomass production is increasing rapidly, in both ...
The poll was laughable. I took it to see what it was like and by the way the questions were asked it appeared I was resoundingly in favor of the service, despite the fact I actually think the service is pointless/unnecessary. ...
Never under-estimate a binman! Being middle-class is neither working or upper class, just in the middle. Neither is it necessarily synonymous with intelligence, integrity or service to the community. Binmen can bring civilisation to a standstill in a matter of ...
Right on the money Catflap, Not one of the Civil servants at TDC or Cllr's have run any large scale business so in essence wouldn't know a right riveting good idea or an alternate use for the dead duck (AKA ...
It would seem that Rochester has plans to pave part of the airfield to create a high-tech business park which will create 1000 jobs. Those who think the airport is a dead loss are constantly being asked what they would do ...
Thanet Blogs

about 11 years ago
“Is your glass half full or is your glass half empty?”, a common way of expressing how one views life,or in this case the Pleasurama site in Ramsgate. Not before time ...
about 11 years ago
£100 REWARD. A reward of £100 is offered for information leading to the conviction of any person involved in criminal damage to the Ramsgate promenade shelters.
about 11 years ago
Ramsgate’s “Secret Weapon” Unveiled!The latest edition of TUNNEL TIMES not only wishes everyone a Merry Christmas but also promises a very exciting New Year. The “secret weapon” in the form of ...
about 11 years ago
At the last meeting of Thanet District Council, Inspector Mark Pearson of the Margate Task Force (MTF) gave a presentation updating the council on the team’s work and ongoing success. Conservative ...
about 11 years ago
Ice Rink in Ramsgate. Friday 20 - Sunday 22 December.Ice rink will be open from 10am - 6pm.All in aid of the Mayor's charities - Admiral Nurses (part of Dementia UK), ...
about 11 years ago
Not only have two brand new independent businesses opened in Ramsgate in the last fortnight, but there’s also a Ramsgate Town Team just begun and an initiative in the town to ...
about 11 years ago
I have just finished the 1872 map of Ramsgate and now have it tubed and for sale in two sizes 36 X 39½ inches selling at £9.99 and 42 X 48 ...
about 11 years ago
You may have noticed some new improvements to the arches on Ramsgate’s Military Road. These are the result of Thanet District Council’s Yacht Valley project. The council is one in ten ...
about 11 years ago
Thanet District Council was on full alert on Thursday 5 December and Friday 6 December due to the risk of flooding in the district posed by abnormally high tides. Flood ...
about 11 years ago
Here is the story in The Gazette http://www.thanetgazette.co.uk/Arlington-House-Tesco-gets-ahead/story-20315373-detail/story.html The pictures are the only artist’s impressions I know of and may not be exactly what will be built. I have ...
about 11 years ago
This is another one not to be missed.
about 11 years ago
Thanet District Council’s recycling and waste collections will continue to run sa normal over the Christmas and New Year period except for the following changes:Collections currently due on Wednesday 25th December ...
about 11 years ago
A significant percentage of the members of Thanet Council are “lazy good for nothings”, “don’t have a clue about what’s being discussed” and “are not fit to run Legoland”.Councillor Ian Driver ...
about 11 years ago
Thanet Super-8 Feature Film ‘Donovan Slacks’ Released on DVD • Super-8 feature film shot in Thanet released on DVD after successful festival run • A 1920s hospital patient leads ...
about 11 years ago
So how will you vote in the European elections, do you care about them enough to vote and all that type of thing? I have put one of those voting things ...


* except "AHEM" flights: Aid, Humanitarian, Emergency, Military

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TDC Airport Working Party

Marvellously convenient, and doubtless falling into an empty slot in your diary, the Airport Working Party will be re-convening their hastily cancelled meeting from last year. This will be happening on Thursday 20th January at 10:30am, in the Pugin & Rossetti Rooms, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent. Like I say - handy.

Special guest stars will be Bureau Veritas, the world famous sound consultants whose role in the unfolding drama appears to be that of the rain on Infratil's parade. BV's report, which had to be re-drafted a couple of times before being accepted by TDC, did not go down at all well with our chums on the tarmac at Kent's Irrational Airport. An embarrassing spotlight was focused on the typos in Infratil's proposal that skewed the story in their favour; the need to sound-proof Ramsgate was raised; and some crushing killer blows were landed:

the predicted number of people likely to be exposed to significant levels of average night-time noise is not sufficiently justified by the number of passengers and freight activity that are forecast to benefit from the proposals [i.e. it's not worth it.]

By all accounts, Infratil are still somewhat shaken, not to say battered, by the report and have been conspicuously silent since, which is rather surprising given that their entire future hangs on this, if they are to be believed. Anyway, as you can see from the Agenda below, Bureau Veritas will be there in the flesh to explain their report, and quite possibly answer questions from the AWP. A lot could turn on this, so be there if you can - and, following local tradition, do wear something red if you're against night flights.



To:                               Airport Working Party – 20 January 2011

Main Portfolio Area:     Economic Prosperity & Community Services

By:                               Environmental Protection Manager

Classification:              Unrestricted

Wards                          All

Summary                    Proposed night-time flying policy for Manston Airport, presentation by Bureau Veritas of its Manston Airport Night Noise Assessment Review dated November 2010

For Decision

1.0              Introduction and background

1.1       On 13 October, 2010, this Working Party received a report regarding the proposed Night-time Flying Policy application, made by Infratil, the owner of Manston Airport, on 28th September, 2010.  The application was made within the context of the s.106 Planning Agreement between the Council and the owner of the airport.  The application was accompanied by a technical report produced by Bickerdike Allen Partners, titled Manston Airport Night Noise Contours Integrated Noise Model (INM).  Previously the application and noise report from Bickerdike Allen have been made available to Members.

1.2       Following from recommendations from this Working Party, and discussions with others including Canterbury City Council and Kent County Council, a programme of public engagement was produced.  However, it was considered inappropriate and unacceptable to commence consultation until the Council had commissioned its own, professional, technical assessment of the noise implications of the proposal made by Infratil.

1.3       Hence the report from Bureau Veritas has been produced, alongside a glossary of terms, to help the public understand, and interpret both the Bickerdike Allen and Bureau Veritas reports.

2.0       The Current Position

2.1       The Bureau Veritas report is attached at Annex 1.

2.2       Bureau Vertias will be attending the meeting to present the content of the report. There will be the opportunity for the Members to ask questions.

2.3       This meeting enables Members of the Working Party to receive information, which alongside the Working Party’s previous reports and in the context of visits being arranged to both East Midlands and Robin Hood (Doncaster) Airports will enable it to recommend a set of criteria against which any future application for night-time flying policy at Manston could be considered.

2.4       It is suggested that the working party develop a concept of appropriate consultation criteria that describe the threshold that will need to be reached before the council contemplates further public consultation on this issue. These criteria once agreed can then be recommended to the Overview and Scrutiny Panel for comment, and ultimately to Cabinet. Full Council will then be in a position to formally set the necessary criteria. Should Infratil wish to submit a night-time flying application this will be made the subject of a twelve week public consultation process, as previously proposed.

3.0       Options

3.1       The Working Party is obliged to report back to Overview and Scrutiny within the framework of the annual work plan of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel 2010/2011.

4.0       Corporate Implications

4.1.      Financial

4.1.1.   Council has set aside funding for both the Bureau Veritas report and, in due course, engagement of a public consultation consultancy. Contributions to funding have been committed by Kent County Council and Canterbury City Council.

4.2.      Legal

4.2.1.   The existing s.106 Agreement between the Council and the Airport Owner enables the Airport Owner to submit an application for a night-time flying policy.

4.3.      Corporate

4.3.1.   Growth of business, and employment at the airport is an important strand of the Council’s strategic approach to economic regeneration.  However, the Council has already made it clear that this must not be at the expense of unacceptable environmental impact.  In particular noise.

4.4.      Equity and Equalities

4.4.1.   In the opinion of the author there are no direct equity and equalities implications to this report.

5.0       Recommendation

5.1       That the Working Party receives the report and presentation from Bureau Veritas, in order that it can receive information contributing to a set of criteria the Airport Owner will be required to satisfy, at such time as a further application for a night-time flying policy.

6.0       Decision-making Process

6.1        The Airport Working Party makes recommendations to the Overview and Scrutiny Panel who in turn make recommendations to Cabinet and or Council

Contact Officer:

Penny Button - Tel: (01843)  (57)7425

Reporting to:

Madeline Homer, Interim Director of Community Services

Annex List

Annex 1

Bureau Veritas report

Annex 2

Manston INM Contour Comparison Map

Annex 3

Manston Airport Glossary of Terms

 Corporate consultation undertaken


Sarah Martin


Harvey Patterson

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