The antidote to night flights - all aboard!
This is excellent! We've got our hands on a bus!
We'll be driving all over Ramsgate on Saturday 25th February, and the bus will be covered with No Night Flights banners and bunting, so we'll be easy to spot.
The bus will be full of lovely No Night Flights campaigners, so do feel free to wave, blow us kisses, and come up and introduce yourselves.
We will be dispensing tea, biscuits, facts and earplugs as we tell the good people of Ramsgate about the awful truth behind Manston's night flights proposal, and collect "No thank you" letters for the public consultation.
Where and When?
We've arranged for the local press to come along to cover the story and get some "crowd shots" for next week's papers, and we've got Thanet's finest film-makers joining us to record the day - bound to be a blockbuster!
If you want to be sure of your 15 minutes of fame, you'll need to meet the bus at Ramsgate Harbour, where it will be stopping off on its all-day tour. The two big photo opportunities will be at 11am sharp, and at 12 noon on the dot, so be there a bit early to make sure you get in the frame! Our movie moguls will be with us throughout the day.

Reader Comments (13)
Might also be an idea to have a load of printed off letters that people could just add their address to and sign .
keep up the good work
How about getting some Councillors and maybe our local MP to back this too ??
However if you see pigs flying overhead then it might be worth asking him.
It's worse than you think. He was against night flights 10 days before the General Election, and then in favour of them immediately after. Have a look at:
and scroll down to see the scathing exposure of his cynical about-turn.
Brilliant idea! A route map would be useful and an itinerary showing where you intend to stop. Otherwise it's all too easy to miss the bus (sorry!)
I think we will be seeing and hearing night flights over our towns very soon. TDC do not seem to care what the people of Thanet think. Such a shame. Such a sad sad shame.
I for one will be taking legal action and making claims for compensation if my house becomes worthless and mine and my families health deteriorates due to TDC's neglet in taking the appropriate action and allowing night flights to happen.
Imagine my position come election time: I'm a lifelong Conservative voter who must decide to either abstain or vote Labour at the next local election.
At least the night flight supporters can't accuse me of being a nimby lefty.
Again, on the subject of jobs, I challenge Mr Buchanan to publish exactly how many jobs, what are the jobs and their job specifications?? But will also stick to my view, that IF any jobs are created as a sop to percieved success these will soon be made REDUNDANT in the scramble for profit.