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Reading this PR bollocks, my mind turned to more seasonal mythological narratives. Carter's economic rebirth for Kent - a second coming! Yo Ho Ho!
Yes you should take a look @ Hawkinge in Folkestone they've already built masses of homes & are still building affordable homes there, it's not a buyers market there, it's a sellers market it's a nice place to live, no wonder ...
Oh it's so nice to hear our councilors are so happy KLM is coming to Manston. BUT FOR CHRIST'S SAKE - WAKE UP THERE NOT COMING FOR NOTHING, KCC ARE PAYING THEM £100,000 TO COME TO MANSTON. So Sir Roger, you ...
I overheard a conversation @ the last Manston meeting, Charles Buchanan talking about the KLM service to some of his supporters - he said on the busy days the price will rise, so be careful when booking.
We're in Thanet don't forget, i don't think anyone who supports the airport really cares about job prospects all they want is to save the taxi fares to Gatwick & Heathrow it's all about saving a few bob, the councilors that ...
It's great to see that Kent is considered to be at the forefront of the environmental economy. It's important to mention that it's not only wind and tidal power that is becoming more prevalent. Biomass production is increasing rapidly, in both ...
The poll was laughable. I took it to see what it was like and by the way the questions were asked it appeared I was resoundingly in favor of the service, despite the fact I actually think the service is pointless/unnecessary. ...
Never under-estimate a binman! Being middle-class is neither working or upper class, just in the middle. Neither is it necessarily synonymous with intelligence, integrity or service to the community. Binmen can bring civilisation to a standstill in a matter of ...
Right on the money Catflap, Not one of the Civil servants at TDC or Cllr's have run any large scale business so in essence wouldn't know a right riveting good idea or an alternate use for the dead duck (AKA ...
It would seem that Rochester has plans to pave part of the airfield to create a high-tech business park which will create 1000 jobs. Those who think the airport is a dead loss are constantly being asked what they would do ...
Thanet Blogs

about 11 years ago
“Is your glass half full or is your glass half empty?”, a common way of expressing how one views life,or in this case the Pleasurama site in Ramsgate. Not before time ...
about 11 years ago
£100 REWARD. A reward of £100 is offered for information leading to the conviction of any person involved in criminal damage to the Ramsgate promenade shelters.
about 11 years ago
Ramsgate’s “Secret Weapon” Unveiled!The latest edition of TUNNEL TIMES not only wishes everyone a Merry Christmas but also promises a very exciting New Year. The “secret weapon” in the form of ...
about 11 years ago
At the last meeting of Thanet District Council, Inspector Mark Pearson of the Margate Task Force (MTF) gave a presentation updating the council on the team’s work and ongoing success. Conservative ...
about 11 years ago
Ice Rink in Ramsgate. Friday 20 - Sunday 22 December.Ice rink will be open from 10am - 6pm.All in aid of the Mayor's charities - Admiral Nurses (part of Dementia UK), ...
about 11 years ago
Not only have two brand new independent businesses opened in Ramsgate in the last fortnight, but there’s also a Ramsgate Town Team just begun and an initiative in the town to ...
about 11 years ago
I have just finished the 1872 map of Ramsgate and now have it tubed and for sale in two sizes 36 X 39½ inches selling at £9.99 and 42 X 48 ...
about 11 years ago
You may have noticed some new improvements to the arches on Ramsgate’s Military Road. These are the result of Thanet District Council’s Yacht Valley project. The council is one in ten ...
about 11 years ago
Thanet District Council was on full alert on Thursday 5 December and Friday 6 December due to the risk of flooding in the district posed by abnormally high tides. Flood ...
about 11 years ago
Here is the story in The Gazette http://www.thanetgazette.co.uk/Arlington-House-Tesco-gets-ahead/story-20315373-detail/story.html The pictures are the only artist’s impressions I know of and may not be exactly what will be built. I have ...
about 11 years ago
This is another one not to be missed.
about 11 years ago
Thanet District Council’s recycling and waste collections will continue to run sa normal over the Christmas and New Year period except for the following changes:Collections currently due on Wednesday 25th December ...
about 11 years ago
A significant percentage of the members of Thanet Council are “lazy good for nothings”, “don’t have a clue about what’s being discussed” and “are not fit to run Legoland”.Councillor Ian Driver ...
about 11 years ago
Thanet Super-8 Feature Film ‘Donovan Slacks’ Released on DVD • Super-8 feature film shot in Thanet released on DVD after successful festival run • A 1920s hospital patient leads ...
about 11 years ago
So how will you vote in the European elections, do you care about them enough to vote and all that type of thing? I have put one of those voting things ...


* except "AHEM" flights: Aid, Humanitarian, Emergency, Military

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Whoops Apocalypse!

Here's a detailed report of what appears to have been quite a close call. Afghanistan-based Kam Air's overloaded plane nearly didn't make it. You don't need to be a technical expert to figure out what would happen if 143,700 lbs of aircraft fuel hits the deck.

Kam Air DC86 at Manston on Aug 11th 2010, tail strike on takeoff

A Kam Air Douglas DC-8-60, registration YA-VIC performing a cargo flight from Manston, EN (UK) to Buenos Aires, BA (Argentina) via Cape Verde Islands with 3 crew and 9 passengers, struck its tail onto Manston's runway 28 during takeoff. The crew continued to Cape Verde Islands where evidence of the tail bumper contacting ground was discovered.

Inspection revealed the energency absorber had received deformation which however had remained within limits, no further inspection was required, and the airplane continued the flight to Buenos Aires.

The United Kingdom's Air Accident Investigation Branch released their Bulletin reporting, that Kam Air had acquired two DC-8s from an operator in the United Arab Emirates. The flight from Manston to Buenos Aires carrying 36 polo ponies. For the flight the aircraft was carrying two complete crews.

The flight engineer determined the cargo weight at 43,409 lbs, the aircraft carried 143,700 lbs of fuel - despite the computed minimum fuel required to Cape Verde being 97,661 lbs including a diversion - bringing the aircraft's takeoff weight to 343,346 lbs. The flight engineer entered a maximum takeoff weight of 349,000 lbs into the load sheet, however it was unclear how he arrived at that figure, the actual structural maximum takeoff weight is 358,000 lbs. The center of gravity was computed at 22.8 percent MAC which is about in the middle of the permitted range. Using the load sheet V1 was computed at 143 KIAS, Vr at 160 KIAS and V2 at 172 KIAS.

The performance table for Manston's runway 28 provided a takeoff weight limit of 317,300 lbs for the selected takeoff flap setting, thus the aircraft was 25,700 lbs (11,670 kg) over weight for takeoff from Manston's runway 28. The use of flap 23 would have increased the weight limit by 10,600 lbs. The flight engineer however did not refer to the runway performance tables.

The captain (55, ATPL, 15,000 hours total, 3,000 on type) was pilot flying for the sector, the runway was dry, temperature at 20 degrees C, winds came from 290 degrees magnetic at 7 knots.

A number of airport staff including loaders, air traffic controllers and operations staff commented that the airplane appeared to be slow on acceleration. The aircraft rotated near the runway end, a cloud of debris was thrown up as the aircraft climbed away.

The captain later reported he was aware of two jolts as the aircraft lifted off and suspected a tail strike had occurred. Subsequent inspection showed the aircraft had left a scrape mark on the runway that extended beyond the runway end onto soft ground. Manston's Air Traffic Control suspected a tail strike and relayed the info to the crew via London ATC. With all aircraft systems appearing normal the captain decided to continue the flight to Cape Verde, where the tail strike was confirmed.

Scrape marks began 35 meters before the runway end (runway's takeoff distance available 3,112 meters) over the next 24.6 meters, followed by a 23.8 meters long gap which however contained a destroyed center line lighting fitting, and continued as an up to 23cm deep trench in soft soil, the total length of the ground marks was 117.5 meters. The marks were consistent with the contact of a sole plate of the tail skid assembly. The center line light fitting was destroyed by contact with the right hand main gear.

The flight data recorder showed that rotation began at 159 KIAS consistent with the 160 KIAS target. The aircraft reached 8 degrees nose up pitch in the next 5 seconds and continued to increase at a constant rate until 11 degrees where a marked reducting in pitch rate occurred. A significant aft control input was made at that time after which the pitch continued to increase to a maximum of 15.2 degrees nose up. The AOM indicates tail strike would occur at 8.95 degrees nose up leading the conclusion, that the airplane had already just become airborne when the tailstrike occurred at 11 degrees nose up.

The AAIB analysed that the computer generated flight plans showed less fuel than actually necessary. The predictions by the computer flight plans were about 19% less than the actual fuel burn. The crew however increased the fuel amount by 47% which seems excessive.

The UK Government's Department of Transport decided upon receiving the AAIB report as well as information from a number of other sources that Kam Air would receive no further operating permits on UK soil for its DC-8 fleet and notified the European Union. Following ramp checks and the information from the UK government the European Union decided to put Kam Air onto the list of operators which are prohibited from operating in the European Union (published by Nov 23rd 2010).

ICAO reported that due to the travel restrictions imposed by the United Nations it had not been possible to perform an audit of Afghanistan's state aviation regulatory structure.

Four safety recommendations dealing with the audit of state regulatory bodies, where audit by ICAO can not be assured, have been released as result of the investigation.

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