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* except "AHEM" flights: Aid, Humanitarian, Emergency, Military

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Our Children Speak...

To whom it may concern, I am writing to you to discuss the potential night flights over Ramsgate, speaking on the behalf of all the children in Ramsgate (and other towns that will be affected by night flights). Although it may not seem like a major issue to some people, it is a concern to the locals, in particular the children.

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Planning permission needed for Manston

Cllr Clive Hart - Leader of Thanet Labour Group:

I'm pleased to see that the Conservative group at TDC agree with us that the current night flying application is unacceptable. I wish to make it absolutely clear that our Labour Group is supportive...

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Video snippets from RTC 25th October

Many thanks to our Multimedia Department (Outside Broadcast Unit) for the following video snippets from the Ramsgate Town Council meeting at Chatham House School on 25th October...

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Manston night-flying consultation delayed 

Manston airport’s night-time flying consultation has been delayed as airport-operator Infratil has been forced to check its facts. New noise assessments produced independently by the council have led to it asking the airport to review its application and the public consultation has been halted until Infratil reviews its proposal.

Thanet council received an application from Infratil in late September to extend flying hours at Manston and grant permission for a number of night flights for heavy freight planes. However, a draft report investigating the potential noise impact of night-flying prompted councillors to reject Infratil’s plans on Monday.

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Political Posturing on Night Flights

'Dr' Simon Moores started things this morning with the question "Thanet Labour Disqualified from Taking Part in Manston Night Flight Decision?" Playing on the total confusion around the subject of predetermination rules, our Simes suggests that the airport night flight decision is a "planning-related matter". Labour councillors, by rejecting the "current" application just as Bob Bayford did yesterday, seem to have pre-judged a planning matter publicly.

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Manston Night flight plans grounded

Controversial plans to allow night flights at Kent International Airport have been put on hold. Infratil, the company which owns Manston airport, has agreed to revise a proposal to allow planes to take off and land 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It follows a meeting with senior Thanet council officials today.

Under the proposals, an average of eight aircraft movements were expected every night. The majority would have operated in the so-called "shoulder" periods of 11pm-11.30pm and 6am-7am. The council had commissioned an independent review of Infratil's noise assessment report, which was produced by the company as part of its application for night flights.

This review, which is yet to be made public, is understood to have highlighted the need for clarification in a number of areas. A planned public consultation, due to start this month, will not take place until these clarifications are made. Cllr Bob Bayford, the leader of Thanet council, said:

"Before residents have their say, they need to know more detail and have a better understanding of exactly how many aircraft movements are being discussed. That information is difficult to gauge from the proposals that have been put to us, partly because of its technical nature. The council remains supportive of the airport and maximising the employment opportunities it can create but this cannot come at any price for local residents. We need to balance the economic benefits carefully against environmental considerations."

It is not known when a revised proposal will be submitted to Thanet council, although Cllr Bayford admitted it "may take time" to produce.

kentonline 1st Nov 2010


Consultation stops before it starts

Yes folks, although it was once scheduled to start TODAY, the public consultation has been stopped in its tracks. Thanet District Council CEO Richard Samuel, and TDC Leader Cllr Bayford met Manston's CEO Charles Buchanan to break the bad news - his proposal doesn't merit consideration. How did it come to this?

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Lovely Posters

Get your lovely posters here, ladies and gentlemen. Click them to download them. Print them and put them in your window, in your car, on your pets, wherever.



Residents rally on night flights at public meeting in Chatham House School

Residents rally on night flights

Clipping: thisiskent

RESIDENTS against plans for regular night flights at Manston airport made their anger felt at the first public meeting on the issue. The hall at Chatham House School was packed for the meeting called by Ramsgate Town Council on Monday night. It gave people the chance to air their views on an application by the owners of Manston airport, Infratil, to allow scheduled flights at night.

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Labour's 'no' to flights at night 

Clipping: thisiskent

THANET'S Labour group will oppose Manston airport's night-flying application, claiming the promise of jobs is merely an aspiration. All 20 Labour district councillors debated at a meeting last week the pros and cons of airport owner Infratil's proposal for regular flights between 11.30pm and 6am.

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Gale keeps digging

Arch-betrayer Gale swims against the tide of public protest and revulsion, claiming (psychic?) knowledge of the wishes of the silent majority, and dismissing democracy as "populism". Fool.

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TDC Labour Group reject night flying application

Excellent news from Thanet Labour - they've rejected the ridiculous night flying application from Manston owners Infratil at a Labour Group meeting last night. They cite the "alluded to jobs figures", "quality of life issues for the thousands who would be adversely effected" and the current "section 106 ...needing to be properly enforced and renegotiated".

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Night flights may not be answer for jobs

Maurice Byford

Clipping: thisiskent

IN THE letters page of the Isle of Thanet Gazette over recent weeks there have been passionate letters supporting the proposal by Infratil for night flights over Thanet as a means to expand the airport services at Manston. While I support the proposal of expansion and the attempts by the airport to attract an airline to operate out of Thanet it is clear to me that the proposals set out for the night flights option are extremely misguided.

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MP accused of U-turn


Clipping: thisiskent

THANET North MP Roger Gale has been accused of doing a U-turn on his views on proposals for regular night flights at Manston airport. Mr Gale, whose constituency includes Herne Bay as well as large parts of Thanet, wrote to a constituent in April this year saying he did not support night flights at Manston. He wrote to Ros McIntyre: "I have never supported night flights from Manston and do not propose to do so."

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LETTER: lost business

Dear TDC,

We watched as every 9 minutes a 747 jumbo jet flow low over the beach as it prepared to ‘bounce’, I believe is the term, as they practise their landing at Kent International airport. My aunt and her friend, who where preparing to retire from London both with their own houses and no mortgage where so horrified at the noise that my aunt declared she could not live in a town that had this level of noise. She is currently purchasing a property in Broadstairs...

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Letter: glazing

Dear NoNightFlights,

Just a couple of points. Should the council roll over and allow night flights (God forbid), who is going to to pay for the triple glazing of windows and doors that will be required for residents under and around the flight paths, Local authorities, Infratil, I don't think so.
Do the local authorities realise that residents under the flight path will be applying for a reduction in council tax as their properties will be devalued.
Do the local residents affected realise their property will become harder and in some cases impossible to sell and price they get will be greatly reduced of course that includes the estate agents!


Gale's View on night flights (Feb 2009)

Forked Tongue

"... my own constituents living in the Thanet villages and Herne Bay on the flight paths have a right to due consideration and to the greatest achievable protection from noise and disturbance that is achievable and compatible with the lawful use of the airfield.  That is why I have again consistently opposed any extension of night flying at Manston..."


Night flight debate over east Kent rages on as consultation nears

Victor Hibben

Clipping: thisiskent

OPPOSITION is mounting to the threat of sleep-busting night flights above Herne Bay. Kent International Airport owner Infratil is asking Thanet District Council to overturn the ban on regular night flying, which could lead to up to six cargo planes a night flying directly over the town.

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Gale's View on night flights (Oct 2010)


Ten days before the May 2010 general election, Roger Gale wrote "I have never supported night flights from Manston and do not propose to do so." Click here to see for yourself. Six months later, he writes this...

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Gale's new opinion: part 1

East Kent is still reeling, caught in the giddying vortex of Roger Gale's about turn. "I have never supported night flights from Manston and do not propose to do so." But that was ten days before the May 2010 general election, when he would say anything to anyone to trick a vote out of them.

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