Herne Bay Historical Records Society

The Society was formed as the Herne Bay Records Society in 1932, and various archaeological specimens and other records relating to Herne Bay and district were either donated or loaned to the Society. The late Dr. T. Armstrong Bowes MA, MD, FSA was President from the inception until 1951. The Society's Museum and its archives were originally accommodated in a hall in Mortimer Street before moving to the Public Library in the High Street in 1939 and subsequently in 1996 to its current home in the Herne Bay Museum at No. 12 William Street. The Society's name was changed to Herne Bay Historical Records Society in 1988.
Lecture meetings are held in the Lower Hall, Herne Bay United Church, High Street, Herne Bay (click here for a picture). Doors open from 6.30pm, the lectures start at 7:00pm. Meetings are open to members and guests. The meetings are free to Members on production of their Membership cards (if requested). Visitors may attend if there is room, when a charge of £2.00 per meeting will be made. The Annual Subscription for 2010/2011 is £10.00 per member, falling due on October 1st.
Anyone interested in the activities or publications of the Society is invited to get in touch with a member of the Committee.
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