HBM News
Kentish News
Council News

Entries in Groups (8)


Friends of Herne Bay Museum

The Friends of Herne Bay Museum is a non-profit making group dedicated to keeping a museum, freely open to all, in the town for residents and visitors alike.

In late 2009 there was a threat to turn our museum into an education centre, open only to groups and schools who booked in advance and paid for the service. We won a stay of execution because thousands of people spoke up. It’s our museum and we need to keep speaking up for it, so that it will survive and thrive.


People United

People United is a charity
that uses the arts and creativity
to promote social cohesion and kindness.

In truth, I've been waiting for this (or something like it) for ages.



Herne Bay in Bloom

With its beautiful seafront flowerbeds, and lovely parks, Herne Bay is frequently quoted on BBC radio as one of the sunniest towns in Britain. In 2009, Herne Bay won a silver gilt award in the regional South and South East ln Bloom Coastal category and a silver award in Britain in Bloom.



Herne Bay Historical Records Society

The Society was formed as the Herne Bay Records Society in 1932, and various archaeological specimens and other records relating to Herne Bay and district were either donated or loaned to the Society. The late Dr. T. Armstrong Bowes MA, MD, FSA was President from the inception until 1951. The Society's Museum and its archives were originally accommodated in a hall in Mortimer Street before moving to the Public Library in the High Street in 1939 and subsequently in 1996 to its current home in the Herne Bay Museum at No. 12 William Street. The Society's name was changed to Herne Bay Historical Records Society in 1988.

Lecture meetings are held in the Lower Hall, Herne Bay United Church, High Street, Herne Bay (click here for a picture). Doors open from 6.30pm, the lectures start at 7:00pm. Meetings are open to members and guests. The meetings are free to Members on production of their Membership cards (if requested). Visitors may attend if there is room, when a charge of £2.00 per meeting will be made. The Annual Subscription for 2010/2011 is £10.00 per member, falling due on October 1st.

Anyone interested in the activities or publications of the Society is invited to get in touch with a member of the Committee.


Herne Bay Beach Hut Owners Association

The Association was formed in Summer of 2005 to provide a voice for the Beach Hut Owners of Herne Bay. There are about 250 Beach Huts on the West Beach of Herne Bay and our membership represents around 75% of the owners of those Huts. There is regular contact with Councilors, City Council Officials, the local Police Officers engaged in work on the Foreshore areas of the town. We have arranged for our members to obtain generous discounts from Local traders for supplies and Services needed. Also significant discounts on Beach Hut Insurances.

Chairman: Andrew Cook
a: 87 Station Road, Herne Bay, Kent, CT6 7QQ
t: 07767 338400

Membership Secretary: Kevin Bloxham
a: 76 Linden Avenue, Herne Bay, Kent, CT6 8TZ
t: 07770 942103


HB Philanthropic Society

Herne Bay Philhanthropic Society has been in existence since 1922 and is there for the benefit of the people of Herne Bay. The society is able to help those in need but these people must be recommended. Recommendations usually come from other charities, CAB, Churches, Social Workers etc.

Promotion of any charitable purpose for the benefit of the inhabitants of Herne Bay and the neighbourhood by the protection of health and the relief of poverty, sickness and distress.

Secretary: Mrs Mary Littlejohn
a: Bridgport, Conyngham Road, Herne Bay, Kent, CT6 6PT
t: 01227 375047


The Town Partners

Herne Bay Town Partners is a voluntary, non-profit making organisation formed in 2006. They are developing an effective partnership between the public, private and voluntary sectors, so together we can achieve a safe and vibrant place in which to work, live and visit.

The Town Partners market, promote and are actively involved in enhancing the activities and amenities within the town of Herne Bay. They are leading and being instrumental in the development of promotions, events and activities within the town. This will benefit the townspeople, the business community and its visitors. Herne Bay is actively meeting the challenge of competing with other towns. They are planning to enhance the whole of the town; it’s activities and attractions to make every visit to the town a worthwhile experience. Herne Bay has been designated a regeneration area, Town Partners will contribute to and assist with the process.

See more on their website.


The Pier Trust

SnagIt-2010-03-10_at_002016The Herne Bay Pier Trust was set up in 2008 by Canterbury City Council who have appointed 11 founding trustees. They are currently the most active body promoting the (re)development of the Pier, and our best hope of getting anything done.

THE VISION: The preservation, renovation, reconstruction and enhancement of Herne Bay Pier and the surrounding area as a building of special architectural and historic interest.

THE MISSION: The promotion and use of the Pier for recreational purposes and as a community and heritage building for the general use and benefit of all the inhabitants of and visitors to Herne Bay and the surrounding area.

Find out more at their website.