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Culture 24

Entries in King's Hall (2)


Kings Hall Mystery Objects Competition - Answers

A. Wool Holder - holds a ball of wool and is slung over wrist while knitting.

B. Fossilised Sea Urchin - 160 million years old.

C. Skirt Lifter - when attached to a length of ribbon it enabled women in long skirts to raise the hems clear of the muddy 19th century streets (all transport was horse powered, think about it.)


At the King’s Hall

The annual Projects and Business Exhibition at the Kings Hall, on the 9th of March was well attended with the Friends stall attracting a good deal of interest.

We gave out lots of membership forms and people were keen to enter the prize draw, for this they had to fill in a questionnaire.

The winner of the prize draw was Angela Furlong who was excited to receive her hamper and is now a member.

As a greater part of the aim of the Friends is to encourage an increased level of community and town involvement in the museum, then we need to know what people’s interests and talents are. We need to know what the museum can do for you and what you can do for the museum - do please tell us.