You say (4)
As Ramsgate rate-payers in an urban post-code directly affected by Manston air traffic, we wish to register our protest at the prospect of night-flights in and out of Manston airport between the hours of 11pm and 7am.
The health, rest and quality of life of the rate-paying residents of this historic part of Kent should be paramount in the consideration of Thanet District Council, and we urge you to reject the Manston night-flight proposals.
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Passenger Flight have failed every time they have been introduced.
The Cargo Planes are incredibly noisy - even Double Glazing does not block the noise. Are you going to install Triple Glazing in all properties affected by this? In the past you have compensated residents affected by your decisions e.g. Pegwell in order to block Hovercraft noise, have you factored this into your feasibility regarding Manston?
The increase employment opportunities are just Red Herring.
We need more employment in this area, but just causing more noise and pollution is not the way to make Thanet more attractive. Consider ventures that enhance the area not demean it.
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My fiancée and I moved to Manston almost 3 years ago and we were obviously aware of the airfield. We moved in fully aware that there would be noise during daytime hours but as a working couple the disruption to us would be very minimal. Quite simply if there had been the spectre of night flights at the time we would not have purchased our lovely home.
I understand the argument that a more operational airfield will bring much needed employment to Thanet but I believe the number of positions often quoted are out of proportion and not achievable.
With regards to night flights I would also ask if people feel these new jobs created are of more importance than the jobs us who live near the airport or under its flight path are already employed in? Night flights will mean sleepless nights for all and logically lack of sleep will impact greatly on people's work and also the schooling of our children. I for one fail to see how the benefits of a few more jobs outweighs the downsides that will be created. I would also like to point out that I do support a successful airfield at Manston but only if night flights are not allowed.
I also wonder why our local council are not more behind resurrecting Dreamland as an option for local employment. Surely a successful Dreamland will also create long term employment with the added bonus of more people coming to Margate and spending money in the town which would help with local regeneration. Hopefully this regeneration would in turn bring more tourism to the whole of Thanet and all without the impact of night time flying.
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As a local resident who lives approximately 600 Yards from the main runway at Manston Airport, I would like to make it clear that I have strong objections to Manston Airport conducting flights between 11.00pm and 6.00am and would add the following comments:-
- I have absolutely no objection to the Manston being a successful DAYTIME airport (but doubt its viability).
- When we moved into our house over eighteen years ago, we actually viewed the airport as a novelty (particularly the air shows and Concorde).
- I live in a Grade II listed building, so double glazing to reduce noise is out of the question.
- The proposal to move "night flights" to between 11.30pm and 6.00am is absolutely ludicrous - I for one could not function properly on only six and a half hours sleep, and that may also include being woken again during the night.
- We are already regularly woken by night flights (and complain to Manston Airport) and yes it does disturb our sleep patterns.
- As much as we may want to, moving house at present is not an option as night flights are (and would in the future) blight the sale of our property.
- Should we really be encouraging an increase in the burning of more fossil fuels and creating more pollution (we also get an unpleasant smell for aircraft movements when the wind is in northerly direction).
- As was exposed recently, the argument for a large increase in local jobs and the minimal effect of noise has been greatly exaggerated.
- As has been shown by two Aircraft Operators failing to make a profit, Manston is in the wrong place. Being surrounded by the sea on three sides and being 80 mile from London, I do not believe it is never going to be a viable airport.
- Finally I believe that Manston Airport should be subjected to a full Planning Application, when real public consultation can take place.
- I really do encourage Thanet District Council to do all they can to listen to the residence who are most affected by the night flight proposals as there is a possibility of hundreds of people’s lives could be blighted.
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