#Manston #nightflights
To whom it may concern
I am opposed to the night flights for the following reasons:
1. It will affect the value of my property as planes fly directly over my property and allowing night flights now means this will happen over a 24hr period.
2. The noise already is unacceptable and I feel we have the right to sleep in peace without planes waking us up
3. I feel it will have an adverse effect on the tourism industry in Ramsgate
4. I do not feel there are enough job opportunities versus the potential impact on tourism
5. Night flights will become popular with existing day flights at Manston Airport
6. Every time Manston launch a proposal it effects the sales of properties
I do however want the council to listen to the public who live in the affected areas and allow them a democratic say in what happens in the area that, they live and have invested significant amounts of money and time.
A decision needs to be made and it needs to be binding, without allowing Manston Airport the opportunity to challenge the voice of the people continually.
Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights
Do we want to encourage visitors to come to Ramsgate, stay in our hotels, spend money in restaurants and cafes, and shop in our High Street? The answer would appear to be "Yes", when you consider, for example, the Royal Sands development at Marina Esplanade, which will provide a prestigious hotel and over one hundred apartments. However, with 8 flights a night, between the hours of 11.30 p.m and 6.00 a.m., a guest may spend one sleepless night in the hotel, never to return, and the apartments will remain unsold, once prospective buyers realize that they will never get a good night's sleep. The flight path goes directly over this development.
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