You say (19)
We would like to register our strong objection to the proposal for night flights over Ramsgate between 11pm and 7am.
Ramsgate has one of the highest concentrations of listed buildings in the country and the country's only royal harbour. This creates a special heritage asset that should be preserved at all costs, particularly since these are major features underpinning the future development of the area. This is important for the potential enhancement of tourism and employment in a sustainable way. We believe that the proposed night flight schedule would create unacceptable noise and pollution, thus irretrievably destroying the heritage nature of the town and blighting all of us who live under the flight path.
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I and my family (including two children age 8 and 12 years of age) are against night flights.
We live directly beneath the flight path. We are just a matter of several 100 feet away from these planes as they come in to land (or take off). We have donated money, written letters and attended many meetings apposing plans for night flights as we believe we have a right to a night of sleep after our working day. I have worked night shifts and am aware more than anyone the disruption flights cause and am left feeling shattered if I do not achieve a full sleep.
If any of you have had young children, you know being woken every night causes stress, but you know within 3 months you'll likely achieve a full night’s sleep once more. There will be no end to broken nights of sleep, if night flights go ahead and this will likely become worse as time goes on.
I still see no valid reason for night flights and this WILL NOT bring more employment to locals and will likely drive holiday makers away from an already troubled local area!
Sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture and is illegal. We believe this is as bad! It is also linked to increased aging, increased disease, increased suicide rates and increased depression and Kills. Is any alleged benefit worth the cost? We would say not! Even Central Government recognise tiredness kills behind the wheel... we see no distinction!
We moved into our house in 1993 and Manston was an MOD base, with very few flights. Times change and this is change all people I speak with are against.
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I would like to enter my views into the consultation.
As a local resident here in Thanet I know there is no part of the Island where you do not hear the mighty sound of planes flying in and out of Manston during the night. Manston is the highest point in Thanet. Obviously the noise will be even greater on the flight path over Ramsgate, and to the West over the village of Acol, then on as far as Herne Bay, so it would only be fair to contact anyone on the flight-paths first for their comments, then the rest of Thanet.
It would not be fair to seek comments from anyone living outside these areas as the noise and pollution issues would not affect them. There are many public and political views from KCC, Medway and beyond favouring the Manston runway to become the next London Airport. Why ? - Because it means it would not therefore be built in the Thames Estuary or on the Isle of Grain, so not causing noise and pollution problems for North Kent residents! We should ignore those sort of comments. Also comment such as – ‘’you moved next to an airport so what do you expect’’. Many people have moved here knowing that the airport was military and not used often. They came here before it was sold off. They came for the sea, and the peace and quiet.
We must think of the effects on our health and local environment of having a busy airport running night and day in Thanet. Noise and Air Pollution would be a huge problem. Illnesses caused from insomnia (due to aircraft engine noise) and fumes would increase and become problematic for everyone. Quality of life issues are very important too, and Councils have a duty of care for the whole population, not just businesses. Homes are being built alongside the airport. Who is going to want to move there knowing that they will not get any sleep at night? Tourism will be lost to the area too.
The airport cannot bring enough daytime business to Manston as it is because Thanet is out of the catchment area. We are as far East as you can get, and nobody wants to fly in and out of here, except Thanet residents of course, and that is not enough to keep the airliners in business. Infratil purchased the airport knowing it’s poor economics in the hope they could change everything around (like their unsuccessful predecessors). The only way they can do this is by getting business nobody else wants or will allow. Business that is dirty, unhealthy, noisy and immoral - night-time business! Business that is not allowed at other airports for good reasons. Freightliners using old and unsafe aircraft.
We cannot put limits on what type of aircraft use the airport so once any permission were granted it would become bedlam. It would be impossible to stop! No other British airport will allow this so why are we even contemplating it? Do we want Thanet to become the unpleasant, noisy, polluted seaside resort it would be? Do we want everyone’s lives to be ruled by the airport over the democracy of our Council for the sake of a few dozen extra jobs? This is too big a chance to take.
Don’t waste any more money on consultations and just say "NO" to night flights. You would have to be insane and hate the beauty of Thanet to agree to it.
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Reader Comments (1)
you could have a very very basic bare bones page in an hour or two with someone who has the language in their head and doesn't have to refer to documentation a lot.