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Please accept this email as a vote NO to night flights between 11pm and 7am.
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Night flights into Manston Airport cannot be justified given the low number of daytime slots currently taken up. I would suggest that the airport operators concentrate on attracting daytime operations, particularly passenger airlines which are more likely to increase the number of staff employed at the airport. Given the amount of noise disturbance old cargo aircraft such as Jumbos and MD11s would cause to local residents if they were allowed to operate during the night-time period of 11pm to 7am, this really is unacceptable and completely unnecessary as the current throughput stands.
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I am against the proposed increase in night flights between 11pm and 7am at Manston airport.
The reason for this being that, although I do not live directly under the flight path, I believe that there is sufficient proof that these flights would have a major negative impact on the town of Ramsgate.
It is my belief that the majority of growth that Infratil hope to deliver at Manston (as per their master plan) is through passenger flights. The other regional UK mainland airports have achieved this without night flights.
The Impact on the local economy and employment opportunities from freight, which is what the night flights will clearly be mainly used for, is minimal by comparison. This does not outweigh the impact that the night flights would have on the residents and businesses of, and visitors to Ramsgate.
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My wife and I are against night flights from Manston between 11pm and 7am.
Even the few night flights that 'manage' to get through are causing inconvenience to our sleep patterns.
It does seem as though Manston Airport likes operating the extremely noisy aircraft during the late hours, so as not to upset the 'day time residents' of Ramsgate
The Airport seems to be 'non operational during the day time with very few flights arriving or leaving.
Plenty of space for any required additional flights!
The only reason we can see for allowing noisy night flights is to increase the flights from Africa and other areas that use these 'old and noisy' aircraft. WHY?
The idea that passengers will pour into Manston to increase Infratil’s', and the local areas, revenue is a non-starter.
EUJet tried operating a high quality day time flight service a few years ago and no one was really interested that either!
...... so the chances of anyone wishing to fly 'Out of hours' from Manston is highly unlikely.
We are both OAPs and sound sleep is extremely necessary to get the reserves of energy to get through the next day!
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