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AGAINST Manston's night flying proposal
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I am a shift worker with varied hours so I need to maximise my sleep when possible nights flights would mean that my sleep patterns could be broken and nights would be restless. Which could result in health problems or accidents. As my property is directly under the flight path I can accept air port noise / traffic during a normal day but find it very difficult to believe that there is a call for flights to be made during these hours as the daytime slots are only partially filled.
I am also against the use of the air port at time as the daytime use of the air port is to maximised. So the air port and Infratil should make better use of the airport during daylights hours when it wouldn’t affect as many people.
The bosses of Infratil are always going to be for this type of plan as when they go home from work that are not affect by noise from the airport during the night or day. As they probably do not live in the local area.
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Dear Sir/Madam
I’d like to register my opposition to night flights to and from Manston Airport
Here in the Deal area we already suffer high level international flights late into the night and early morning, we also suffer low level ‘short cut’ aircraft flying into Manston during the day. We’ve also witnessed a near miss several years ago but due to the aircraft types (cargo) this was dismissed by the Aircraft authorities
Night flights would simply increase the noise levels depriving my family and I of sleep and increasing the fear of an aviation disaster – it is very frightening to see 2 large objects in the sky trying to avoid each other
There is good reason to develop Manston but night flights should not even be on the agenda with day time flights restricted to 7am to 11pm.
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I am writing this email to express to the consultation that I am against night flights between 11pm and 7am.
I own two properties in Ramsgate. When I moved here, several years ago, I was told by the estate agents that, whilst I lived near an airport, THERE WAS A BAN ON NIGHT FLIGHTS, and thus I had no reason to worry. So the idea that Ramsgate residents "knew what we were getting ourselves into" is a falsification.
Also, I believe that Manston was taken over by its present owners, with this in place? So how can this now just change?!
We are all now aware of the arguments for night flights, that have been rubbished at every step, both by the findings of local campaigners, and the recent independent report-I feel there is no need to go into this again here.
What I will say though is this-should the night flights proposal begin, I have already decided that leaving Ramsgate could be my only option. Not just because of the noise, but I just think it will destroy our lovely town, through pollution, noise, and the obvious drop in local house prices.
Which brings me to my next point. Myself, and a growing number of friends are wondering who is going to pay us for the amount knocked off our property values?
We are all already preparing to take legal advice as to whom will be responsible for this compensation.
Please do not destroy Ramsgate, and all the other affected areas.
Ramsgate's a very different town to the one I moved to-but with this one action, you could set the clock back many years on us all, and tear out the heart of what makes this town so special, just to bow down to vested interests.
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