Police & Crime Commissioner elections - Nov 15th

For the first time, we will be able to vote for a Police Commissioner. The leaflet below explains how it all works...
Police and Crime Commissioners election - information booklet

For the first time, we will be able to vote for a Police Commissioner. The leaflet below explains how it all works...
Police and Crime Commissioners election - information booklet
We're about half way through the "consultation" about the Westgate Towers traffic experiment.
You may remember that thousands of people signed a petition begging for the chaos to stop. Our beloved Council immediately ignored the clamouring voices and launched a "consultation" to, er, find out what people think of the scheme.
Pop over to the Council website where you can fill in an online questionnaire. If you don't tell them what you think, they'll never know...
Thousands of signatures and hundreds of letters about a controversial traffic trial are being swept under the carpet by council bosses. The official public consultation into the scheme to ban traffic from the Westgate Towers in Canterbury started on Friday and all previous comments will not count.
It means the 4,000 people who signed a petition calling for the scheme to be scrapped, and the hundreds who wrote both in favour and against the trial, will have to put pen to paper – or fingers to keyboard – again.
Excellent news - Kingsmead has won a brief reprieve, thanks to the sheer number of written objections, and the huge support for the online petition.
Discussion by Executive members of council proposals to appropriate land at Kingsmead for planning purposes has been deferred until the meeting on Thursday 21 June.
Originally the Executive was due to consider the plan at its meeting on 31st May.
Well, it's all kicking off over at the Pier Trust - name-calling, playground threats, hair-pulling, you name it.
Once upon a time, the Herne Bay Pier Trust had a nice little Facebook site which people would saunter over to from time to time, to find out what was new, and add their words of wisdom and encouragement.
How times change.
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the Locality Board, sounding the death knell for local democracy.
It's made up of the Canterbury City Council Executive and the 9 Kent County Council members who represent constituencies in the Canterbury District. It meets behind closed doors, and "Minutes (including a record of attendance and any conflicts of interest) will not be widely circulated".
I'll be examining the Locality Board more closely in another post.
The fate of the district's youth centres remains a mystery, after councillors met in private to discuss the issue. A £1 million cut in funding for youth services means there could be only one Kent County Council-funded youth club left in Canterbury, Whitstable and Herne Bay. Faversham Youth Club is also under threat.
This document is floating around the Interweb, being described as the much sought after, but long undisclosed, Risk Register associated with the Government's proposed NHS reforms.
It might be, it might not. Have a look and see what you think.
Here's a natty little video of Sunday's march against Tesco in Herne. It is described as a message to Cllr Vickery-Jones.
I wonder if he'll get the message...
I wonder what it takes for him to get a message...
Cllr Vickery-Jones has said that nothing short of civil disobedience can prevent Tesco inflicting itself on Herne... Not so.
Here's a councillor who thinks he was elected to speak his mind. What do you think - did you vote for representation, or a brain dump?
Battling Bay councillor Peter Vickery-Jones and campaigner Phil Rose have clashed over a campaign to get the Downs registered as a village green. At a recent council meeting, Mr Vickery-Jones blasted Mr Rose as "pious and lamentable".
Many years ago, I knew a Conservative MP who was knighted one New Year. He was rather glum about it, believing (correctly, as it turned out) that this was his Party's way of saying Thank you... and goodbye. It was not a signal that his effort had been recognised and rewarded, and that greater efforts were hoped for. No, it was the golden watch.
The article below (which reads rather like an obituary) notes that the then Mr Gale was disappointed not to have been elected as deputy speaker. From what I hear, "disappointment" is an understatement.
As well as having his eye on the woolsack, the then Mr Gale was also quietly hopeful of a seat in the Lords. Alas, it was not to be. Nonetheless his wife is now Lady Suzy, which will thrill her.