The boundaries of the electoral wards are being redrawn, in the hope of making the constituencies more uniform in size. As a by-product of the exercise, we'll end up with slightly fewer MPs. Our beloved Roger Gale will find that his consituency has been cut in two: here's what they have in mind for Herne Bay end:

and here's what will happen at the Margate end:

Curiously, Canterbury will include Faversham:

Here's what the Boundary Commission for England have to say for themselves:
The 2013 Review of Parliamentary constituency boundaries will introduce substantial changes. It will reduce the number of constituencies in England from 533 to 502 and make sure that each constituency has a similar number of registered electors.
Why do we want your views?
The final shape of the new constituency boundaries will be informed by consultation. We encourage you to comment, whether in support of or objection to our initial proposals – we will consider all representations fairly and may revise the constituency boundaries as a result.
How can I get involved?
You can have your say in one of two ways: in writing (either by using the online form, by emailing us at or by writing to the Boundary Commission for England); or by attending a public hearing in your region.
All representations will be published on this website in spring 2012 for further comment. Any revisions will be published in autumn 2012 and may be subject to a further consultation before we make our final recommendations by 1 October 2013. You can find more details about the conduct of the 2013 Review by reading A guide to the 2013 Review.