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Entries in Terrace Hill (4)


Supermarkets everywhere

You know how it is - there you are waiting for a supermarket, and then a whole load of them come along at once... Developer Terrace Hill want to slap a large Sainsbury's on the Altira Tumbleweed Park at the edge of town. They're also proposing a load of business space, which is a bit surprising given that Altira is dedicated to providing business space, but that's their call.

This proposal has already caused a spat and some name-calling amongst the HB Town Partners - there are concerns over the implications for the Central Area Development (a.k.a. William Street Car Park Clone Town). And more recently, another development proposal has popped up - redeveloping the HB Golf Club course - which also features a supermarket.

Is there a collective noun for supermarkets? Whatever it is, we might end up with one.



Supermarket plan causes friction and ructions

Traders fall out over plans for supermarket outside Herne Bay

A group of Bay business people is backing plans for a giant supermarket outside the town. Herne Bay Town Partners has agreed to support Sainsbury's bid for a store on the new Altira Business Park at Beltinge, despite council bosses trying to attract a supermarket to the town centre as part of regeneration plans.

Sainsbury's has a pre-let agreement with developers Terrace Hill for a 95,000 sq ft superstore and petrol station on the business park, near the driving test centre.



Is a superstore super news?

A huge Sainbury's and petrol station on the edge of Herne Bay - this would be on the ill-fated and currently languishing Altira site.

There's no indication in the press reports as to where exactly, but I assume it would be east of the existing developments at Altira, between the A299 Thanet Way and the railway line.

Big news for a small town, and not all of it good news.



Terrace Hill

Sainsbury’s store programme lifts Terrace Hill

Specialist retail developer Terrace Hill said today it was pressing ahead with 600,000 sq ft of new schemes in spite of the supermarket slowdown. Chairman Robert Adair said:

"Whilst there has been some slowdown in the expansion of Tesco we are continuing to receive good interest in our sites from the other major operators. We continue to make good progress with all our committed foodstore development sites and are advancing a number of new opportunities."