HBM News
Kentish News
Council News

HB Exhibition at King's Hall

There was commerce, campaigners, councillors and charities crammed into Herne Bay's Kings Hall for the town's annual business expo exhibition. It was opened by the Lord Mayor of Canterbury Ian Thomas on Wednesday. The city council's senior projects manager, Patrick Rynne, who helped to arrange the event, said:

"There were 46 businesses and 22 projects represented in the hall, with more than 500 visitors at the exhibition. Herne Bay should feel justifiably proud of the interest the town is attracting. This really highlighted the success stories we are seeing."

Herne Bay Pier Trust unveiled a multicoloured model of an extended pier.



Herne Bay's growth threatened by Canterbury's greed

Herne Bay's future centres on tourism - it's a business model that is tried and trusted, it's well-understood and it's sustainable.

It makes sense to make the most of the most obvious quality Herne Bay has - the fact that it's a nice little town by the seaside.

Tourism is not isolated from the rest of the local economy, quite the reverse. Our vistors - whether coming for a day trip, a weekend, or longer - generate business and spread wealth at every turn. B&B room tabs, restaurant bills, pub rounds, shop tills, even parking meters.

Money, time and effort spent encouraging tourism in Herne Bay is not expenditure, it's investment.

But Canterbury City Council seems to think differently.



Council demolition failure

Now this is interesting. Firstly Mr McMahan doesn't say where his figure of £750,000 comes from - is this what CCC have actually paid the contractors? - but I really like his idea that money generated from the demolition could have been re-invested in the Pier.

Secondly, the Council spokesman (Wormtongue, as I think of him) seems to be having trouble with numbers when he says "... it was discovered that the amount of asbestos in the building was understated and its removal was more problematic than first envisaged. The council has incurred no extra cost ...".



Herne getting famous for beating Tesco

The sleepy village that  triumphed over Tesco as people power forces chain to abandon pub conversion

The charming village of Herne seems an unlikely spot for an awesome display of people power. But the extraordinary resolve of its residents has just seen off the might of Tesco. Villagers won a David and Goliath battle with the store chain over what they saw as a threat to their way of life.



NHS Bill Risk Register

This document is floating around the Interweb, being described as the much sought after, but long undisclosed, Risk Register associated with the Government's proposed NHS reforms.

It might be, it might not. Have a look and see what you think.


Herne Bay rejects Manston night flights

As you probably know, Manston airport recently presented Thanet District Council with a proposal for scheduled night flights. TDC eventually organised a brief public consultation. Manston airport is obviously outside Canterbury's feudal realm of control, but TDC agreed to let CCC have an input to the consultation...

The agreement was that CCC would be sent copies of all the submissions made to the consultation that came from the Canterbury district. CCC could then collate the replies, mull over the contents, and then base the Council's response to TDC on what Canterbury residents had said.

230 people from the Canterbury district responded to the TDC consultation, and 80% of them opposed the night flight proposals. You can see the all the responses, or at least CCC's brutal summaries of them, HERE. And this is CCC's conclusion (you can find the full report HERE)...


Whilst in principle supporting the continued role that Manston Airport can provide in the economic well being of East Kent, the City Council considers that the potential for adverse impact on residents of this night-time flying proposal is not justified. The Council will therefore wish the method of operation to be kept to the current one and that further discussions are held regarding the monitoring of night-time flying activity.


Pier pressure

At long last our Council has described its vision for the future of our Pier. In a word: short.

Some of the trustees of the Pier Trust have been angling for a new Pier for years if not decades. All of the trustees have given generously of their time and expertise. They have drawn together a wealth of national and international experts to produce first rate proposals and business plans which they presented to our Council.

CCC dismissed them, and now we know why.



Home and dry - hosepipe ban coming

After two of the driest winters on record water companies are introducing a hosepipe ban. Households across the county will have to live with a hosepipe ban until at the least the end of the summer.

The water companies’ restrictions to be introduced on April 5 will mainly target domestic users. Customers will be prevented from using hosepipes for watering gardens, washing cars, patios and boats, and from filling swimming and paddling pools, ponds and fountains. Anyone caught breaking the ban faces a £1,000 fine.



Olympic torch a distant twinkle

Well, if you're one of the many doing your best to ignore the Olympics, then you have much to thank Lord Coe for. He has carefully engineered the Olympic torch route so that it will come no closer to Herne Bay than Upstreet and Sturry (on 19th July).

Looking at the map of the route, it does seem rather odd that they're happy to make a diversion after Faversham to visit Challock (pop. 843), but didn't divert to Herne Bay and Whitstable (combined pop. 65,383) on their way to Canterbury. Hey, ho. 



WEA Course: Egyptology

Ancient Egyptian religion has always been a source of mystery and wonder to Westerners. Why was a special god chosen to represent the Nile? What was the relationship between the gods?

ln this day school we will explore the racy, sometimes amusing stories associated with the gods which ultimately shaped, sustained and directed Egyptian culture in every conceivable way.

Course: Egyptology Day School

Tutor: Christine Humber

Timetable: Saturday 19th May 2012, 10.30 am to 3.30 pm

Location: St. Andrew’s Church Hall, Hampton Pier Avenue, Herne Bay

Fee: £15.00 - payable in advance please - includes lunch and refreshments. Prior booking essential.

Contact: Jenny Bennett (01227 372281) email:

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