HBM News
Kentish News
Council News

The "never apologise, never explain" approach to democracy

Here's a councillor who thinks he was elected to speak his mind. What do you think - did you vote for representation, or a brain dump?

Battling Bay councillor Peter Vickery-Jones and campaigner Phil Rose have clashed over a campaign to get the Downs registered as a village green. At a recent council meeting, Mr Vickery-Jones blasted Mr Rose as "pious and lamentable".



Minnis Day Center - KCC are the only ones who want it to close

KCC are riding roughshod over the needs and wishes of the very people they are suppose to serve. Having apparently discouraged referrals to the Minnis Day Centre, they then cite falling attendance as a reason for closure. They arrive at the community meeting to discuss the Centre's future with their minds made up. This is all very disappointing and, of course, not entirely surprising.

The good news is that all is not lost - this is far from being a done deal.

A campaign to save the Centre has been started by local residents, and users from across the Centre's catchment area, and people who just hate seeing the vulnerable and needy getting stitched up.

More details will be appearing on this site soon. If you want to be involved, or you just want to find out more, contact Barry Hardy: or 01843 845022



Pier Trust reveals extension plans

Campaigners have unveiled plans to extend the pier and build a new pavilion. Members of Herne Bay Pier Trust revealed details of the scheme – the brainchild of graphic designer Dave Parish – ahead of a crucial council meeting to debate the pier's future after council officers claimed the lack of a clear plan for the site meant that "difficult decisions" would have to be made.

In a six-page report due to be discussed by the council's ruling executive on 2nd Feb, council officer Dawn Hudd raised a number of issues.



HB Farmers' Market shaping up well

Stall holders lining up for market plan

Plans for a farmers' market in the Bay are gaining pace, with organiser Vanessa Hill already lining up stall holders.

She received a flurry of calls after being featured in last week's Times and plans to hold the first of the fortnightly markets on Saturday March 3 in the Methodist church hall in the High Street.



Bandstand - rumours and speculation

Just weeks away from a deal

The café bar at the Bandstand is about to change hands, with a mystery punter just weeks away from taking over the whole seafront building, sources claim. Owners the Thorley family have told the Times they are close to a deal that would see their lease handed over to another business.

They refused to name the interested party, citing commercial sensitivity, but spokesman Phil Thorley said:

"We're in the middle of negotiations. That's all I can tell you. But we expect a deal very soon, hopefully within two weeks."



Tesco at Herne: villagers fight, councillor gives in

The Herne villagers fighting Tesco are being stitched up by Cllr Vickery-Jones. The villagers and the parish council are refusing Tesco's "cash contributions", but the councillor is happy to take the money on behalf of CCC, contrary to the wishes of his constituents.

The Council is perfectly well able to make life difficult for people using the planning process, but Cllr Vickery-Jones seems very willing to throw up his hands in surrender when it comes to Tesco. It wouldn't be the "cash contributions", would it?



Herne Bay Farmers' Market

Now this is a fantastic idea, and I wish Vanessa every success. This would be a great opportunity for local producers to sell locally, and as Vanessa points out, an opportunity to get a foot on the retail ladder without the costs of opening a shop.

A cook who believes the Bay is ripe for a farmers' market is hoping to harvest enough stalls to start her own venture.

Vanessa Hill has secured a venue and a date for the first market – Saturday, March 3, at Herne Bay United Church Hall in the High Street – and now needs sellers to sign up.

The mum-of-two, who works as a chef in a care home, said:

"I had the idea just before Christmas. I'd been to Whitstable farmers' market and found it really crammed. I'd like to go back to the basics, with local produce from small suppliers, from vegetables to breads, or cider and home-made jams.

I'd also like to get youngsters involved. There are so many talented young people out there with great ideas. But they wouldn't have a hope in hell of being able to open a shop, with all the expenses involved."

Are you interested in having a stall? Call Vanessa on 07740 586010.


FO Tesco

Tesco is a retail leech, draining the commercial lifeblood from the small local independent operators, a parasite on the UK's high streets, taking more than it gives. Their motive is profit (at any cost), their methods are ruthless, their ambition is monopolistic domination.

The bean-counters at Tesco have spotted that Herne Bay only has 1 Tesco, but 40,000 people. Panic! Everyone in Britain MUST have a Tesco on their doorstep! Everyone MUST do all their daily shopping at Tesco! The bean-counters frantically tap away at their spreadsheets. A sigh of relief whistles through their dungeon as they find a solution - open more Tesco stores.



Tesco target Herne Bay

Herne Bay may become infested with Britain's greediest retail parasite.

Tesco has shocked Bay traders by announcing plans for a third store in the town. The supermarket giant wants to open a Tesco Express in Sea Street, despite still facing furious opposition over its plans to convert a pub in Herne.

It already runs a store in Canterbury Road and there is a large Tesco Extra a few miles away, near Whitstable. The new shop would be located opposite the Ford showroom, and local independent traders are unhappy at the prospect.



Tesco ignore Herne residents

Fierce public opposition to Tesco's plans for a store in Herne can be ignored, according to supermarket giant spokeswoman Carol Leslie, but villagers may get some compensation in the form of a community centre above the shop.

Mrs Leslie was speaking after what she described as a "very productive" meeting with ward, county and parish councillors about the planned Tesco Express in the empty Upper Red Lion pub.


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