HBM News
Kentish News
Council News

Crass criticism from stunning councillor

Yes, dear reader, I was there and this actually happened - Cllr Vickery-Jones scored a few notable firsts. He is the only person to have called the village green application "crass", and he is the only person to have called me "pious".

He also suggested that as a "newcomer" I didn't have the right to clutter things up with my pesky village green application. He seemed to have forgotten that the application is supported by 1,180 other people, some of whom were using the Downs on a regular basis long before he ever saw the light of day in his native Derbyshire.

He also demonstrated an astonishing lack of understanding in his belief that a village green could in any way only ever benefit a single person.



Find a planet, be a star

Now here's an opportunity that won't come your way every day. The astro-boffins have collected a cyber-mountain of data from their telescopes and need to analyse it to spot where the planets are. Because you are a human being - and therefore much better suited to this task than a computer - you could be the one to spot a planet. And you get to take the credit!

Volunteers wanted for planet hunt

Members of the public are being asked to join the hunt for nearby planets that could support life. Volunteers can go to the Planethunters website to see time-lapsed images of 150,000 stars, taken by the Kepler space telescope. They will be advised on the signs that indicate the presence of a planet and how to alert experts if they spot them.



Mattress king who's battling for local traders

He is a businessman who spends his spare time on the battlefield and is a keen crusader for the traditional High Street in a world gone mad for out-of-town shopping centres. Dylan Hampshire, 41, of Cockett's Beds, took over the family store in Herne Bay's High Street in 1999 from his uncle and grandfather before him. He continues to make bespoke mattresses for clients as far afield as Hong Kong.

He tells Ed Targett how he'd invite King Harold round for dinner, his fears for the future of the Herne Bay central regeneration and why he'd like to see philosopher and economist Adam Smith make a cup of tea with his bread and butter...



Red Lion villagers declare war on Tesco

Campaigners have fired the opening shots in their fight to keep Tesco from taking over a former village pub. Protestors have set up Facebook pages and a website,, after almost 1,000 people packed a public meeting to discuss the controversial plans for the empty Upper Red Lion pub in Herne.

Villagers braved rain and freezing winds and kept coming even after the community centre filled, forcing the meeting to move to St Martin's church. The panel of parish, city and county councillors found themselves facing a row of packed pews.



Massive anti-Tesco protest rally at Herne

Villagers turn out in force to fight Tesco

Tesco was set to hold talks with councillors today (12th Jan) after 500 people piled into a village church to oppose a new store in Herne. There were incredible scenes as hundreds turned out to vent their anger at the supermarket giant’s plans to move into the Upper Red Lion pub. The public meeting attracted so many people it had to be moved at the last minute from the village hall to St Martin’s Church. Defiant parish council chairman Tony Day, who will meet with Tesco today, said:

“There will be no negotiation. It will be Tesco out of Herne and nothing but.”

If you would like to join the campaign send your contact details to

Visit the campaign website:



Sir Roger Gale

Many years ago, I knew a Conservative MP who was knighted one New Year. He was rather glum about it, believing (correctly, as it turned out) that this was his Party's way of saying Thank you... and goodbye. It was not a signal that his effort had been recognised and rewarded, and that greater efforts were hoped for. No, it was the golden watch.

The article below (which reads rather like an obituary) notes that the then Mr Gale was disappointed not to have been elected as deputy speaker. From what I hear, "disappointment" is an understatement.

As well as having his eye on the woolsack, the then Mr Gale was also quietly hopeful of a seat in the Lords. Alas, it was not to be. Nonetheless his wife is now Lady Suzy, which will thrill her.



E-fits released after distraction burglary in Herne Bay

Kent Police has issued e-fits of two people they would like to speak to in connection with a distraction burglary in Herne Bay. Detectives are investigating after a small amount of cash was stolen from the home of a 90-year-old man at about 3pm onSunday 4 December 2011.

Detective Constable Leigh Woolnough said:

'At about 3pm the previous afternoon, Saturday 3 December, a young woman knocked on the door of the pensioner’s home, which is in the West Bay area of Herne Bay, and asked if he wanted to buy some raffle tickets for a children’s charity.



Classes to help you breathe easy again

Mandy BridgewaterEx-smoker Mandy Bridgewater suffers from chronic lung disease. But a special course has helped to breathe new life into her. Former community carer Mandy, 43, can only use 28 per cent of her lungs because of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The disease affects more than 13,000 people across east Kent.

But Mandy says sessions run by the NHS have given her a new lease of life. The mum from Herne Bay had the disease diagnosed 11 years ago and immediately gave up smoking. But she said:

"The cold weather makes it much more difficult to breathe. As I have just 28 per cent lung capacity, getting up and down stairs can be difficult and I suffer with panic attacks. But the NHS course was brilliant.



KCC - prize-winningly rotten

Kent County Council managed to scoop two titles in Private Eye's Rotten Boroughs Awards 2011.

The column, which lists authorities' municipal wrongdoing, named council leader Paul Carter as Mr Toad of the Year and former managing director Katherine Kerswell as Goldenballs of the Year.



Paul Carter crows and bleats

It simply beggars belief that Paul Carter should round on the local press and suggest that they are responsible for the falling staff morale at KCC. We will find out in June, if not before, how much Katherine Kerswell was paid leave quietly. What is clear now, and has been for some time, is that her recruitment and departure revealed serious shortcomings at the very top of KCC. Poor staff morale at the Council is more likely to be a result of working for rubbish bosses than simply reading about them.

It's also pretty rich for Paul Carter to criticise the press for not playing a "straight bat" after the stream of misleading and mealy-mouthed press releases that accompanied the confused and confusing departure of the Council's MD.

Paul Carter's request for sponsorship from his staff was quite simply breath-takingly crass.


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