Manston Aircraft Noise Maps
Here are the noise contour maps that Manston provided with their application. As you'll see, they didn't bother to provide a full set.
Click the maps to get a clearer view.
Boeing Jumbo 747-400
Arr from West |
Arr from East |
Dep to West |
Dep to East |
Boeing Jumbo 737-800
Arr from West |
Arr from East |
Dep to West |
Dep to East |
McDonnell Douglas MD-11
Arr from West |
Arr from East |
Dep to West |
Dep to East |
Night flights

Reader Comments (20)
Not sure about bewildered of broadstairs, more like dork brain of broadstairs.
How is it that Thanet has managed to breed a culture of f*#k you mentality between neighbouring towns?
My local chip shops have produced more local jobs than Manston has in the last ten, is likely to do so in the next ten yet their jobs will be at risk by Manston.
Manston peddles lies about the jobs they will create. Nobody but a complete moron believes them but people use it as a smoke screen to relish in the misery inflicted on a neighbouring town. Nice.
There was an American study in 1975 on the noise pollution incurred where the airport was situated on a peninsular, cited conditions of wind and sea that projected the higher noise levels across the peninsular.
It is of little interest to me that the gullible in Thanet believe they will be unaffected by this. The facts are there is documentary proof of the effects of night time flight noise all of which are being covered up and ignored by both the airport and the councillors.
See the blog post called "The Night Flight Proposals 2011" where we have provided links to the full set of documents: Manston's proposal itself; York Aviation's economic impact assessment; Bickerdike Allen Partners' noise assessments; and maps of flight paths and noise footprints.
All in one easy-to-get-to place.
Best regards,
The planes will always prefer to take off INTO the wind, and land INTO the wind - this is a safety matter, they're simply more stable that way. So whenever the wind is coming from the East, which is about one-third of the time, the planes will be coming in to land over Herne Bay. (Sometimes, like last summer, we can have several weeks of non-stop easterly winds.) Normally, they'll be coming in to land over Ramsgate about two-thirds of the time.
This means that it's not possible to impose meaningful constraints on the airport operators about where the planes fly - it's all in the lap of the weather gods!
Keep the questions coming - this is where you get straight answers!
Unlike other successful airports Manston is surrounded by a lot of blue on maps, which sadly means that Fish are its greatest potential source of future passenger profile.
Even Southend has a far better market potential because it is nearer to London and the surrounding towns and cities including Dartford, Chelmsford and Colchester. Another important factor is that the higher population zones in Kent are as close if not closer to an alternative major airport than they are to Manston.
Maidstone to Manston = 43mins
To Gatwick = 47 mins
Anything North of Maidstone, why even consider Manston?
Which leaves a total population of 769,100 by 2018 in East and Central Kent to provide the 2,900,000 passengers for Manstons plans.
Even if the whole of Kent suddenly decided they wanted to travel, the predicted population for the county in 2018 is only going to be 1,750,000.
One can only assume the entire population of the County of Sussex will be leaving Gatwick in their droves for the sheer pleasure of flying from Manston!
Could it be if they pull this stroke (& it's highly likely that TDC will support what there asking for) they then sell it off to the cargo cartelle, so then all we'll see is cargo planes, very little employment if any bearing in mind most of these aircraft can carry their own crews to load & unload their aircraft.
The reason I say this is in some countries the average wage is equivalent to around £4.00 per week, then there's Charles B always a big smile on his face perhaps it's the big fat bonus he may be getting when all this come about. Still there's always a good side to everything if TDC give the go-ahead we can make as much noise as we like around Thanet 24 hours a day "what's good enough for the goose is good enough for the gander".
So, here come the noisy night cargo flights, which need only a handful of jobs to load and unload them. Has anyone else noticed that Manston wants to operate twice as many flights at night as they operate in the day? When that happens, we can say goodbye to our tourist-dependent jobs if they're anywhere near the flight path. What a tragedy that Honest Bob, Leader of TDC, doesn't understand the basic commercial reality of Manston and nor does he value our tourist businesses.
Common sense says 'No' to this proposal.
If the day slots were full there may be some reasonable arguement to allow some night flights, but as most days nothing (other than light aircraft) fly into or out of Manston. The airport is not viable for passenger traffic and probably never will be, not only are routes into and out of Thanet not good, there is no big car parking facilities, no large hotel infrastructure to support large passenger volumes and there are not enough service facilities for turn aircraft around (catering, cleaning, refuelling etc).
The time has come for Thanet Council to open their eyes and see Manston for what it is, it will not generate jobs, it will not boost the local economy and it will not, unfortunately, ever become a major player in the passenger aviation market.
Surely Labour should honour this, and the Lib Dems try not be out of touch with Thanet? Perhaps No- Nightflight candidates should stand at the next local elections in all wards, if none of them are following the clear will of the people?