See the future, then decide
These two maps are taken from Manston's night flight proposal.
- The maps show the "sound footprint" of the airport.
- The top map is for 2010, the bottom map is their forecast for 2018.
- In 2018, the "sound footprint" is bigger and louder.
- The blue squiggly lines around the runway are noise contours.
- In both maps the outermost blue line represents the 48dB contour.
- In the top map, the 48dB contour is 300 yards from the end of the runway.
- In the bottom map, the 48dB contour stretches a mile out to sea.
- In 2018, most of Ramsgate will feel like they're living next to the runway.
- This is your future if your Council gives in to Manston's demands.
Click the maps to see them more clearly.
Write to your councillors, write to your MP.
No Night Flights!
Night flights

Reader Comments (4)
On map 2 it would appear they have used a deaf man to guage the decibals.
The noise generated by these planes is massively in excess of these maps. Everybody knows it and everybody knows that Manston and TDC do their best to hide it.
Mark Twain
From what I have been reading from a variety of sources the increased use/expansion of Manston as an all singing and dancing airport will reduce property prices by about 30%. For those living nearer the airport it could render their properties unsaleable. Not only are our Councils prepared to destroy nearly 30,000 people's health and happiness, but steal the value of their homes which they have worked hard to secure.
I also agree that the most likely need for changing the function of the airport is so that Infratil have something to sell. At present it is worth nothing. And there are no interested passenger aviation companies. I am surprised that there isn't a contingency publicised by KCC and TDC defining the land for building homes as this would hike the land values enormously a create profits for many of the construction companies that they have vested interests in.
NB Airport noise devalues property...