US flights a £20m annual boost to county's economy
Direct flights between Kent and America will boost the county's economy by at least £20 million a year, tourist chiefs have been told. The prediction was made during an event to promote the start of passenger services from Kent International Airport at Manston to Norfolk, Virginia. The once-a-week service, which begins next spring, will bring in £5m from May to October 2007, it was claimed.
And if the route becomes permanent the financial boost for Kent could be four times that figure a year if US tourists stayed for just four days each, according to Tony Freudmann, chairman of aviation consultancy firm FT International. But he warned an audience of tourist managers at the Hop Farm in Paddock Wood on Tuesday:
"We have 10,000 tickets to sell and we need to sell them as quickly as possible."
KentNews 11th Oct 2006