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Reading this PR bollocks, my mind turned to more seasonal mythological narratives. Carter's economic rebirth for Kent - a second coming! Yo Ho Ho!
Yes you should take a look @ Hawkinge in Folkestone they've already built masses of homes & are still building affordable homes there, it's not a buyers market there, it's a sellers market it's a nice place to live, no wonder ...
Oh it's so nice to hear our councilors are so happy KLM is coming to Manston. BUT FOR CHRIST'S SAKE - WAKE UP THERE NOT COMING FOR NOTHING, KCC ARE PAYING THEM £100,000 TO COME TO MANSTON. So Sir Roger, you ...
I overheard a conversation @ the last Manston meeting, Charles Buchanan talking about the KLM service to some of his supporters - he said on the busy days the price will rise, so be careful when booking.
We're in Thanet don't forget, i don't think anyone who supports the airport really cares about job prospects all they want is to save the taxi fares to Gatwick & Heathrow it's all about saving a few bob, the councilors that ...
It's great to see that Kent is considered to be at the forefront of the environmental economy. It's important to mention that it's not only wind and tidal power that is becoming more prevalent. Biomass production is increasing rapidly, in both ...
The poll was laughable. I took it to see what it was like and by the way the questions were asked it appeared I was resoundingly in favor of the service, despite the fact I actually think the service is pointless/unnecessary. ...
Never under-estimate a binman! Being middle-class is neither working or upper class, just in the middle. Neither is it necessarily synonymous with intelligence, integrity or service to the community. Binmen can bring civilisation to a standstill in a matter of ...
Right on the money Catflap, Not one of the Civil servants at TDC or Cllr's have run any large scale business so in essence wouldn't know a right riveting good idea or an alternate use for the dead duck (AKA ...
It would seem that Rochester has plans to pave part of the airfield to create a high-tech business park which will create 1000 jobs. Those who think the airport is a dead loss are constantly being asked what they would do ...
Thanet Blogs


* except "AHEM" flights: Aid, Humanitarian, Emergency, Military

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#Manston #nightflights

I am strongly against Manston’s night flying proposal.

I changed the habit of a lifetime at the last election and voted Labour because of the stand they made on this subject.

They seem to now be sitting on the fence on this matter reneging on a pre election promise.

Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

I live directly under the flight path and wish to register my protest against Infratil's proposals. I have already been woken up several times in the past by very noisy cargo planes flying very low over my house in the middle of the night. Double-glazing and thick loft insulation does not block out the noise.

I am not against Manston developing, but surely they should fill the daytime slots first, rather than blighting people's lives with sleep deprivation. A good night's sleep is as essential to health as food and water.

I note that Flybe's decision to leave Manston was not because of restrictions on night flights, but because they could not fill their planes during the day.

Why should thousands of residents' quality of life be destroyed so that Infratil can increase their profits ? Where are these 3000 jobs coming from that Infratil say they will create ? The latest independent report doesn’t believe it and neither do I. Unfortunately, Manston is in the wrong place to be a busy passenger airport.

This is all about putting profit above people's health.

Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

I am writing to offer both mine and my wife's views and intense objections against the night flight proposals by Infratil, for the consultation which began on Friday 3rd February.

We have been following the ongoing developments and my wife has attended one the 'No night Flights' meetings recently. We are both extremely anxious about the proposals and what the result of approval will mean. We are amongst thousands of other residents in the area whose property lies very close to the flight path of Manston Airport and whose lives would be severely affected by night flights being agreed. This is why:

Currently, although staggeringly loud, the planes that fly in and out do not particularly concern us or overly disturb our lives due to their irregularity or times of the day that they arrive/take off. The proposal of up to 8 flights per night however would turn our lives upside down - and I suspect many thousands of other people in Ramsgate and the surrounding areas too. The scale of which cannot be underestimated. The consequences of any night flights would be devastating to our lives, both financially, mentally and emotionally. This is not being dramatic. It will be the repercussions of the night flying that will have the biggest impact. I believe that the result of having flights at Manston during the night would have monumental effects on local residents sleep patterns and therefore affect home and work lives, potentially irreversibly. There is no way in my mind that any human being could sleep through the deafening noise of planes landing in such close proximity of so many residential properties in the middle of the night, let alone up to eight or more per night. My feeling is that, if night flights are given the go head, this will give Manston the gateway to warrant more regular flights during the entirety of the night and possibly flights 24/7.

It is interesting to see where the councillors actually live in conjunction to the flight path. Very few indeed live in the proximity of the flight path. I hope that they are fully aware of how deafeningly loud a cargo plane is when stood a few hundred feet away looking up at these vehicles. Imagine trying to stay asleep indoors for one of these arrivals/take-offs... Imagine trying to stay asleep when there are 5, 7, 10, 12 planes with a noise level of 95 decibels per night. Someone asked me recently when discussing this, what I thought 95 decibels sounds like. I said to them "Well the loudest thing I think I've ever experienced is standing almost directly under the flight path of a Boeing 747 cargo plane that is coming in to land! In fact - what a perfect example; because that will be around about 95 decibels!!"

Anyone who is adopting the general attitude of 'you'll get used to it' will be sorely mistaken. Herein lies the problem. Nobody knows for certain exactly how noisy, or how badly this will affect their lives - until it's too late; until it is actually happening. Because once Manston Airport has the go ahead to do this - there will be no turning back and night flights will be here to stay. This is why night flight's cannot be allowed and why Manston Airport should not get the clearance for something that they did not have the plans for when the Airport was purchased.

Night Flights would have such a catastrophic effect on so many lives which could quite realistically lead to ill health, both from disturbed sleep and pollution, hugely devalued properties, the effect on people's jobs, families and general well being. There must be so many people, like myself and my wife who have busy lives, stressful jobs and enough to cope with already with the current economic climate and trying to run a home and bring up small children. Without the prospect of massive sleep deprivation for ever more if the night flights are given the thumbs up.

Moreover, on a personal level, one of our greatest concerns is the affect this will have on our daughter's future and her schooling. There will inevitably be huge negative consequence on the learning abilities of any child who experiences sleep disturbances on this scale. As most are probably aware, neither Gatwick or Heathrow allow for such flights at these times. Manston should not be the exception.

What I really cannot get my head around is how Mr Buchanan and the representatives of Manston Airport are attempting to convince people that so many jobs will be created and how so many people from across Thanet will benefit from job opportunities. This is just not accurate. The Airport will never be given the go ahead for expansion for passenger services because the infrastructure does not currently exist. People will not travel to Thanet from London and beyond for this purpose. Which leaves only cargo hauliers. How many jobs will be created from more arrivals carrying pallets of goods that need to be offloaded and put onto a truck with a forklift? A few I imagine. Maybe 20. Maybe up to 100-200? Probably not that many. Does this fairly irrelevant number of job opportunities outweigh the negative effect these flights will have on thousands of people and their families/children? The negative effects that these flights may have on visitors/tourism to Thanet? The effects on local businesses, pollution etc etc? The answer is 'No'. Not that I can see from any evidence or anything I've read. Which is why we strongly oppose this application.

I truly hope that Councillors, MP's, and residents alike do not take these proposals lightly and brush off the fact that so many lives will be badly affected if these plans are granted.

Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

Reader Comments (6)

What a clear response!

Just a couple of questions of NNF..could you clarify the following?:

Property prices will decrease by 30% and more the higher the decibels of flight movements into and out of the airport.

The current noise contours are based on data from inadequate monitoring.

I thought that the 8 flights a night was an average, with the potential of some nights being quiet and others effectively only limited by scheduling possiblities!

And there has been no Environmental Impact Survey.
Thu, February 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMs Gabriel
I have registered my protest about the proposed night flights with TDC. I hope that they do receive a flood of mail from concerned residents - at least this is our opportunity to speak directly to them and I welcome this rather than the Cllr Bayford proposal of a consultation by MORI that might only have canvassed the views of a smaller group. I'm not sure how many people subscribe to this site but it would seem to run into the thousands judging by the petition and hits on the map so I'm optimistic that TDC will be getting plenty of mail!
Fri, February 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRestless in Ramsgate
"Property prices will decrease by 30%"

Incorrect. No lower limit has been set for the value of your property. Properties could end up being worthless. There are no proposals to compensate people whose properties are devalued. It is your fault for not reading between the lines and working out that "quiet, modern, passenger planes" actually meant "filthy, decrepit old freighters and Jumbos destined for the knacker's yard".
Sat, February 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterIgloo
You're absolutely right Igloo, some properties could be rendered unsaleable.
As there has been no Environmental Impact Assessment, no decrease in property and land price analysis has been performed.
It is statistical and technical details such as these that TDC hasn't considered and therefore risks wasting public funds and time with a judicial review and compensation claims by residents and businesses.
Which is why Manston isn't habitually running night flights already as they want the local council to shoulder the blame (either way) and of course give their loss making airport some market value to sell it off if they're lucky.
I really feel that this consultation is a complete waste of time and I don't believe Infratil will be around long enough to face litigation.
My faith in TDC to put it right however is virtually non-existant
Sun, February 19, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMs Gabriel
Please tell all your friends and neighbours who may have received one of Infratil's glossy leaflets extolling the virtues of Night Flights NOT to respond to the consultation@thanet.gov.uk email thoughtfully provided in the leafet without first checking the terms on TDC's website.

Infratil has omitted to say that it is compulsory to provide a full name and address (with postcode) and they have not noted the cut out date of 2nd March.

Deliberate omission? Negligence? Either way it's not good practice for a supposedly communications-savvy organisation.
Mon, February 20, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterFlightpathsitter
Oh Dear - I wonder who the initials O.D. could belong to? Could you be the same troll who infested the No Night Flights Facebook page until being removed? I think we should be told.
Tue, February 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterIgloo

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