You say (2)
I am totally opposed to any night flights operating between the hours of 11pm and 7am into or out of Manston Airport. I and my family do not want to be disturbed during the night by aircraft noise as proper rest and undisturbed sleep are vital to one's wellbeing.
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I object to the proposal to allow the operation of night flights out of Manston.
Prior to living in Kent, I used to live close to Gatwick, and am aware of how night time flights blight the entire community.
The proposal WILL NOT mean extra jobs at Manston, but will make the entire area smell permanently of Jet A1 fuel.
This is a quiet area of the country, please ensure that it stays that way.
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I am strongly opposed to Night Flights which fly directly over my home and into Manston Airport.
Already during the day they are extremely noisy, so I cannot believe you are even considering allowing them between 11pm to 7am.
Do you intend to compensate residents and pay for Triple glazed windows on homes across the region?
I believe that I have a basic human right to night time sleep in my own home.
The aeroplanes I see in use are not the same as passenger jets, they literally create 10 times the amount of noise.
We should be promoting the Garden of England and its own grown products not destroying it for the sake of one or two people involved in the ownership of an Airport.
Only 10 or 20 jobs may be created while thousands of lives will be ruined, are you prepared to sacrifice everyone in the area for that?
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I am totally against night flights between 11pm and 7am from & to Manston Airport.
At present, although I live miles from Manston, aircraft fly directly over my home flying into Manston Airport, often low enough for me to read the company logo on the side & tail fin.
The noise is disruptive in the daytime & extremely sleep disturbing at night.
Yesterday for example, Saturday 4th Feb 2012 early afternoon, I was on the telephone to a friend inside my home & she asked me `what is that noise' - I told her, `it's a plane flying into Manston' !
So, you might understand, that during the night, when those low flying planes have come over, it wakes one up from a deep sleep, you don't know why, but then realise there's a noise. what is it ?
I've experienced a fleeting panic on occasions wondering if it's someone trying to break- in that's woken me/ then you make sense of the sound as you lay in the darkness of the bedroom, you listen and because sometimes the plane flies so low you have to make sure they are going on safely to the airport & not about to crash.
It's not just me that gets disturbed and worried, it starts the dog next door barking, she too wonders what's that noise in the night !
I've had the same problem with the children a) because of the plane noise & b) then dog then barking. I have had to get up out of bed, settle the children back to sleep, that can take up to half an hour.
So, once a night of this disturbance/disruption occasionally to ones sleep is quite enough, anything more would be totally unbearable, especially when/if you've got to get up next morning early for the children or to go to work.
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