You say (13)
I AM AGAINST all and any flights to or from Manston, Kent International Airport; at night after 11:00pm or before 7:00am. Noise and fumes pollution is high by day, and would be disturbing and distressing at night.
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I wish to register my opposition to the proposed night flights to and from Manston airport.
I live in Station Road, Herne Bay which is on the approach to Manston and we quite regularly have 747 cargo planes flying over during daylight hours, which is quite unpleasant. However, if this proposal is allowed it will mean in the summer when the windows are open in my bungalow we will be awakened by these night flights and we will lose sleep.
More concerning will be the drop in value of my property if the proposal goes ahead, by being on the flight path, both day and night.
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Dear Thanet Council,
With regard to the Manston night flights between 11pm and 7am proposal, I'm am totally against it.
1) It's totally outrageous to even consider allowing planes to fly just a few hundred feet above the heads of countless people in the dead of night! An undisturbed night’s sleep should be a basic right to anyone in a civilized society.
2) The reward for this pollution to our lives will in no way compensate. The local employment prospects from this proposal are negligible. I have lived here since 1983 and have seen several low cost airlines try to make a go of Manston but it is just not in the right location, too isolated with no large local catchment area. It will never succeed as a passenger terminal and the same reasons will limit its popularity as a freight terminal. There is no chance of any significant increase in local jobs. The surveys the airport owners have had done indicating thousands of new jobs are laughable!
It's blindingly obvious that Infratil are just trying to make the airport as attractive as possible with a view to selling it and getting out with some of their money back from a failed venture.
You as our elected representatives have only one option if acting in our best interests and that is to throw this ridiculous proposal out!
Otherwise you will be condemning us to years of night time noise pollution just for a handful of local jobs.
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We wish to notify you of our strong objection to the proposal of night flights in and out of Manston.
As we live directly under the flight path we have already had our sleep disturbed on several occasions by these huge planes lumbering low above us.
We have read all the literature published by Infratil about the proposed benefit to the community but do not believe that this stands up to scrutiny, With the latest study from Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd, I think this confirms that the amount of jobs that may come as a result are overestimated by Infratil.
As Flybe have now pulled out all their passenger services, I do not see how the airport is viable. We are too far east of the country to be able to attract the passenger traffic.
There are lots of families that live directly beneath the flight path, what about the damage to their health and the environment.
While we understand that Thanet District Council have a duty to try and promote the area, we cannot see how this will do so. It will not provide many jobs but may put holiday makers off visiting Ramsgate.
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