You say (14)
Finally a chance to be consulted on night flights!
I am strongly opposed to night flights from Manston between the hours of 11pm and 7am.
Living directly under the flight path, I am unable to continue a conversation when I am outside when a plane flies over, and in the evening when the TV is on, I cannot watch a programme without turning the volume right up when a plane goes overhead.
I am categorically opposed to seeing my sleep pattern disrupted for the illusory creation of a few jobs.
Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights
Dear Sirs,
We wish to register our very strong objections to the proposed night flights in and out of Manston airport.
We moved to the Herne Bay area some 12 years ago to be away from the hustle and bustle and noise of city life.
We are light sleepers, we know that night flights will disturb our rest and will ultimately affect our health and well being.
Therefore please add our name to the list of people AGAINST NIGHT FLIGHTS FROM Manston airport.
We in fact would be pleased to see the end of all flights from Manston, day or night.
Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights
I am resolutely against the proposed night flights between 11pm and 7am.
I work in Ramsgate and employ 2 others locally. As a businessman and as a resident I think this proposal is a bad one.
I have already complained on behalf of my young family before about night time flights in the past. We have looked at the P&B report and in light of that, it looks like accepting such a proposed change of use at the airport would be detrimental to the growth of the area.
Night flights could tarnish this beautiful area and hurt its future recovery towards regeneration.
The airport is simply asking too much for not much in return.
If the airport used its daytime capacity then there may be a case for night flights, but that is not the case.
We have also found their PR rather misleading about the issue. There seems to be a public misperception in Thanet as a whole that night flights are needed to support the passenger business. As the night flights are likely to be freight then Thanet will see little economic benefit.
I find the whole proposal rather dishonest and it lacks common sense that even a child could see the stupidity of the whole situation.
Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

Reader Comments (1)
The people in YOU SAY 14 above say:"We have also found their (Manston) PR rather misleading about the issue."
Yes the Manston PR machine is in top spin. Well spin as it's latest stunt is to undermine, the already credulous consultation set up by TDC. The TDC one where the facts haven't been set out before the public so that they can make an informed judgement. The TDC consultation that for 2 weeks on it's own website was telling the public to send responses to Charles Buchanan's own PR Ballot Box. The TDC consultation that forgot to inform the press of the changes half way through a consultation of a change of plan. The TDC consultation that has now spoken to Charles about the embarrassing cock-up over submission addresses.
Charles' reaction is perfectly prattish as in his covering letter that he has posted to residents he tells people to make their views known to TDC with the correct contact information. However he spits in the eye of TDC's PR "machine" by accompanying this letter with his Plane Speaking newsletter which still tells people to forward their views to Manston Airport by mail or email, and it repeats " YOUR COMMENTS MAY ALSO BE FORWARDED TO THANET DISTRICT COUNCIL.
No-one in Thanet has been personally contacted by TDC are they really so contemptuous of their electorate that they've not bothered because of some stupid game plan?