You say (15)
Dear Sirs,
I would like to let you know that I strongly object against any night flights in Manston airport between 11pm and 7am.
The airport already causes a lot of noise and pollution. Should the proposed plans go ahead, my life – and those of thousands of other people – will be even more affected by noise, stress and illnesses.
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No to Night Flights
Ramsgate has many listed building that cannot have double glazing – windows rattle when the Cargo Monsters fly over.
Why night flights? when many MEP’s throughout Europe want No Night Flights at any European airports supporting people’s human right to have a good night’s sleep
Cargo planes will not bring extra jobs to Thanet
Why Night Flights? when Infratil cannot fill the daytime slots
When an old large plane flies over at night, after being suddenly woken up, you then wait for the loud reverse thrust on the runway – that’s how loud it is and many people are in a worse position than we are
No! No! No! to any night flights except on humanitarian grounds
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I am AGAINST the proposal for night flights between 11pm and 7am for the following reasons;
I'm one of those lot that moved from London to Ramsgate 5year ago to escape the busyness and give my children a better lifestyle. Ramsgate seemed the perfect solution, amazing sandy beaches, extraordinary architecture, historic harbour, local and surrounding walks on the doorstep and all come free of charge. Night flights will affect mine and my children's quality of life, loud noisy cargo freight planes waking us up throughout the night. Sleep deprivation affects the ability to function, the noise levels are proven unacceptable, the proposal compromises our basic right of peaceful enjoyment. If I do not lose all the value in my house, I will be moving and I’ve heard other say the same.
The area has potential for regeneration and the proposal for night flights will have a detrimental effect on its ability to do so. I have plans for a business which at its core is all about promoting the local area, its offerings and the plethora of events already organised and other events to be offered. The town has an opportunity to become a 'destination' - a weekend getaway in all seasons. Visitor's bring much needed income into the area and enable businesses to be created and those that exist to grow. No one will want to come and stay in the town if they were to be woken by loud cargo planes at all hours of the late evening /morning. Tourism will bring more employment to the area and income than Infratil’s proposal for night flights. ......My business will be killed off.....
Infratil are unrealistic, the airport currently does not provide a great deal of employment for the area and cargo flights will not warrant a great deal more employment for the area. (again proven by case studies). There will be no knock-on effect for the local economy, residents are the losers and businesses, the town will become a ghost town.. more empty shops.. no further investment and just when you can see changes happening.
This proposal cannot go ahead, the repercussion's are too far and wide spread and will have a devastating affect on a town ripe for regeneration.
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